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Chemistry Boring?

Im thinking about going into medicine but i dont really find Chemistry that interesting. The reason im going into it is because i really like Biology and learning about the bodies defence. I find Biology fascinating because its all about the human body, but Chemistry (the compulsary subject) doesn't really fascinate me.

I changed schools about 2 years ago, and at my previous school i absolutely hated Biology. It was only at my new school that i began to get interested in Biology when i learnt more about it and took more interest in it.

The way i see Chemistry at the moment is its a subject all about these atoms, which ive never seen! Because ive never seen them and im only TOLD they exist, the subject doesn't fascinate me much. Its not that i dont get good marks in Chemitry i get grade B's, but i really would like to get more interested in the subject so that my grades can improve.

Does anyone else find Chemistry a bit boring? OR Does anyone know how i can get more into Chemistry? I mean with my Biology it only took a matter of weeks before my previous school's grade D's turned to A's. Can anyone recommend a way of getting interested in Chemistry?

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Reply 1
is it the organic or foundation you find boring..or both? and do you find it boring because its hard and you dont understand it or because you dont like the teacher? or because you didnt like the subject anyway but took it because you have to for med?
EDIT: this thread should really be in the secondary school forum..
Once you really get into chemistry you'll probably enjoy it more, I'm not sure what grade you're in but when you start doing atomic theory (if you haven't done) you'll start getting some proof of the structure of the atoms as well as more reasons for their behaviour which makes it more believable.

Because it isn't really something you can see you've got to have a clear picture of the atoms and just what is going on in your head (tends to help). Besides, once you stop looking at all those compulsory examples you're forced to learn for the exams and actually start looking more practical things (that you can actually see going on) it'll become more interesting (organic chemistry and biochemistry will probably be more interesting because of that)

(can you tell it's one of my favourite subjects?)
Organic chemistry is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo unbelivably tedious, I cannot express how dire it is.. i'm not being educated i'm just didigently memorising facts such as aqueous NaOh is used at reflux to hydrolyse a flying melinda.. sod off zzzzzzzz

Foundation and physical chemistry is alright actually.. but organic is dire. Bulls*it. :eek:
Reply 4
Im thinking about going into medicine but i dont really find Chemistry that interesting. The reason im going into it is because i really like Biology and learning about the bodies defence. I find Biology fascinating because its all about the human body, but Chemistry (the compulsary subject) doesn't really fascinate me.

I changed schools about 2 years ago, and at my previous school i absolutely hated Biology. It was only at my new school that i began to get interested in Biology when i learnt more about it and took more interest in it.

The way i see Chemistry at the moment is its a subject all about these atoms, which ive never seen! Because ive never seen them and im only TOLD they exist, the subject doesn't fascinate me much. Its not that i dont get good marks in Chemitry i get grade B's, but i really would like to get more interested in the subject so that my grades can improve.

Does anyone else find Chemistry a bit boring? OR Does anyone know how i can get more into Chemistry? I mean with my Biology it only took a matter of weeks before my previous school's grade D's turned to A's. Can anyone recommend a way of getting interested in Chemistry?

man I love the atom part of chemistry....its fascinating. and how they give off light? my new favorite thing to do is imagine myself glowing! :biggrin:
Reply 5
Im just learning GCSE (Higher AQA). I know about the general structure of atoms and ions etc and am actually quite good at Chemistry. But im only good at it because i understand it, not necessarily because i enjoy it.

The one part of Chemistry i find interesting is the dangerous stuff, like the group 1 metals. I mean before i studied secondary school Chemistry i never knew there were that many metals in this world. But i hate doing calculations (volumetric etc) and writing about elements that ive never (in some cases) ever seen.

For those of you that LIKE CHEMISTRY, what parts of Chemistry do you like most?
Hopefuilly if i look up the most favoured topics, i'll get more interested in it.
When i began my studies at A-Level, i loved biology, and found chemistry to be very mediocre. NOW, a year and a bit later, my thoughts have changed.

Chemistry is my love, and i enjoy learning how chemistry as a subject can relate to the life i live- like why unsaturated fats are good for you. Biology, is my one flaw, and i sometimes find it hard to believe that the examiners dont want to save the future of biology, given that we have to learn too much to pass the damn thing, and not one person in my class has retained the same passion they had for biology since they sat their january exams last year :mad:
Reply 7
Im just learning GCSE (Higher AQA). I know about the general structure of atoms and ions etc and am actually quite good at Chemistry. But im only good at it because i understand it, not necessarily because i enjoy it.

The one part of Chemistry i find interesting is the dangerous stuff, like the group 1 metals. I mean before i studied secondary school Chemistry i never knew there were that many metals in this world. But i hate doing calculations (volumetric etc) and writing about elements that ive never (in some cases) ever seen.

For those of you that LIKE CHEMISTRY, what parts of Chemistry do you like most?
Hopefuilly if i look up the most favoured topics, i'll get more interested in it.

atomic theory. THE BEST! :smile:
When i began my studies at A-Level, i loved biology, and found chemistry to be very mediocre. NOW, a year and a bit later, my thoughts have changed.

Chemistry is my love, and i enjoy learning how chemistry as a subject can relate to the life i live- like why unsaturated fats are good for you. Biology, is my one flaw, and i sometimes find it hard to believe that the examiners dont want to save the future of biology, given that we have to learn too much to pass the damn thing, and not one person in my class has retained the same passion they had for biology since they sat their january exams last year :mad:

I understand what you mean about the load of content in the subject! So much to learn it's unbelievable.

I'm not looking forward to the module 4 you told me about though!
The teacher was asking us if and when we want re-sits and she said don't do it in january because the first A2 module is huuuuuuge! :eek: :eek: :eek:
I understand what you mean about the load of content in the subject! So much to learn it's unbelievable.

I'm not looking forward to the module 4 you told me about though!
The teacher was asking us if and when we want re-sits and she said don't do it in january because the first A2 module is huuuuuuge! :eek: :eek: :eek:


I chickened out of that module because my gran died and i couldn't study properly. So, i have to do it in june :mad: . It's not impossible to get an A though, one boy in my class did- but, after all, he is the class boffin, and i imagine him to go home and eat, drink, and dream biology!!!


I chickened out of that module because my gran died and i couldn't study properly. So, i have to do it in june :mad: . It's not impossible to get an A though, one boy in my class did- but, after all, he is the class boffin, and i imagine him to go home and eat, drink, and dream biology!!!


Sorry about your gran.. that's tough right in the middle of exams as well.

But yeah i'll be ready for it. i'm gonna kick it's overwhelmingly difficult ass damn streight :cool: Good luck to you tho, does that mean you have the 3 A2 exams in summer then? God tell me the chemistry one isn't big as well!
Sorry about your gran.. that's tough right in the middle of exams as well.

But yeah i'll be ready for it. i'm gonna kick it's overwhelmingly difficult ass damn streight :cool: Good luck to you tho, does that mean you have the 3 A2 exams in summer then? God tell me the chemistry one isn't big as well!

Chemistry is always gonna do me good- it's so simple to revise for, but you do have to revise for it :rolleyes:

for biology, that damn subject- I have 2 big units, and unifying concepts- a sypnotic paper that asks you to draw conclusions based on your knowledge and understanding of the whole subjects

I dont know why i'm online, i need as much time as possible dedicated to my studies, and i havent done diddly all holiday- i have my chemistry teacher to answer to if i cannot do my planning exercise in the next two days :eek:
Oh :frown:

From what i've heard about these "sypnotic" thingy-majigs.. they don't sound too good :frown:
Sir Winston Churchill said "a man who is bored of chemistry is bored of life"...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... allegedly
Henry Ford said "History is Bunk...................... but chemistry is fascinating"...........................................................I think
Im just learning GCSE (Higher AQA). I know about the general structure of atoms and ions etc and am actually quite good at Chemistry. But im only good at it because i understand it, not necessarily because i enjoy it.

The one part of Chemistry i find interesting is the dangerous stuff, like the group 1 metals. I mean before i studied secondary school Chemistry i never knew there were that many metals in this world. But i hate doing calculations (volumetric etc) and writing about elements that ive never (in some cases) ever seen.

For those of you that LIKE CHEMISTRY, what parts of Chemistry do you like most?
Hopefuilly if i look up the most favoured topics, i'll get more interested in it.

Atomic Theory, enthalpy and moles (it's just maths, it's easy enough)
we're about to start 'drugs and medicines' soon so lets see :smile:
Reply 16
I found chemistry at GCSE (edexcel double award modular) and AS (edexcel) extremely boring. Instead of understanding what was going on we were just taught facts to learn and nothing seemed to fit in. Organic was tedious because all we did was learn what happens in reactions. Not incredibly difficult but there was no substance to it and it sort of felt like touching on a bit of everything rather than going into less things but in more detail. A2 is a bit more different and things begin to fit together and you understand why things happen rather than just what. Consequently it becomes a bit more interesting and imo, easier to learn.
Lord Cavendish.... "Give me a child aged 7 and I will show you the chemistry professor"......... probably
Julius Caesar's famous speech "I came..... I saw...... I built those little models with the balls" ...... perhaps
Im thinking about going into medicine but i dont really find Chemistry that interesting. The reason im going into it is because i really like Biology and learning about the bodies defence. I find Biology fascinating because its all about the human body, but Chemistry (the compulsary subject) doesn't really fascinate me.

I changed schools about 2 years ago, and at my previous school i absolutely hated Biology. It was only at my new school that i began to get interested in Biology when i learnt more about it and took more interest in it.

The way i see Chemistry at the moment is its a subject all about these atoms, which ive never seen! Because ive never seen them and im only TOLD they exist, the subject doesn't fascinate me much. Its not that i dont get good marks in Chemitry i get grade B's, but i really would like to get more interested in the subject so that my grades can improve.

Does anyone else find Chemistry a bit boring? OR Does anyone know how i can get more into Chemistry? I mean with my Biology it only took a matter of weeks before my previous school's grade D's turned to A's. Can anyone recommend a way of getting interested in Chemistry?

But ultimately all the interactions inside your body and disease occur on a molecular level. Some of chemistry is boring, but areas like organic are more relavent and it will help your biological understanding more. Besides, not only is it mandatory for medicine, but is highly desirable for many biological degrees.