The Student Room Group
are u sure ur not sensing vibes that this current relationship is not working out but because u dont want to deal with the issues, you're attributing ur feelings to the failure of past relationships?
If your last few have?

well surely by very definition if it isnt your first relationship then all the previous ones HAVE failed.
well surely by very definition if it isnt your first relationship then all the previous ones HAVE failed.

Hehe :rolleyes:

I guess if all your previous relationships failed for the same reason, then it's not unusual to assume your current one could end up the same way. You just have to think of the reasons why your previous ones failed, and try not to let them happen again if you are happy with your current relationship.
Reply 4
well surely by very definition if it isnt your first relationship then all the previous ones HAVE failed.
I've only had 3.
Reply 5
i think its slightly unusual, but u may just have had a bad experience and be aprehensive in this one, and want to keep ur distance to stop urself from getting hurt
I've only had 3.

How amny you've had is irrelevant. You can be on your 50th relationship, and STILL the previous 49 will have been 'failures'.
it depends on your definition of failure really, if you mean it wasn't ended through the death of one of you then that rules most relationships a failure.
if you mean it ends badly...

Don't think in terms of what will happen, or what has happened, live for the moment, enjoy the relationship as it is happening rather than worrying if it will end.
A relationship is like a dessert. You could spend your entire time thinking 'this is nice, but soon it will be over' or you could just dig in and savour every moment, until its all gone.
Then you order 2nds!!!

PS dunno what 2nds are exactly in this metaphor, was just getting excited by thought of chocolate moose.
Reply 7
PS dunno what 2nds are exactly in this metaphor, was just getting excited by thought of chocolate moose.

Antlers to go?
Antlers to go?

Odddly i was actually thinking of a moose. I used to have one which your pressed and it pooped chocolate raisins.
Mmmm choco raisins...
On one hand, I would never go into a relationship unless I thought there was a chance it could work out in the long term, I dont see the point in relationships that are "just for now", being the soppy, half deranged romantic loon that I am :redface:

On the other, I usually have a pervading sense of paranoia, borne from the fact that I have low self esteem, that tells me they will go off me/find someone else/are only dating me for some sort of incredibly elabourate joke :redface: so I never really dare hope that they will want to keep me.

I think the golden rule is: if you are thinking its doomed because you dont know if you fancy/like/love them enough, thats bad.
if Its because you dont know if they fancy/like/love you enough, thats insecurity, and dosent mean things arent meant to be, it just means you cant believe such a good thing could ever happen to you.
Reply 10
Odddly i was actually thinking of a moose. I used to have one which your pressed and it pooped chocolate raisins.
Mmmm choco raisins...

Wow. You'd never be able to tell it was 3am would you?
On one hand, I would never go into a relationship unless I thought there was a chance it could work out in the long term, I dont see the point in relationships that are "just for now", being the soppy, half deranged romantic loon that I am :redface:

Well no, but you're crazy if one week into a relationship you are envisaging marriage.
Reply 12
Wow. You'd never be able to tell it was 3am would you?

Nope. In my house, clocks are decorative ornaments, and nothing more.
Odddly i was actually thinking of a moose. I used to have one which your pressed and it pooped chocolate raisins.
Mmmm choco raisins...

mooooooooooooose. like Bullwinkle. Bullwinkle the moooooooooose.

its 4 am. i think its time to go to bed. mostly now that i have just gotten very excited about a mooose.
Well no, but you're crazy if one week into a relationship you are envisaging marriage.

not marriage, ever, that would be a scary thought one week in!

just the potential, even if its only 1:100 that things wont go wrong.
Reply 15
Nope. In my house, clocks are decorative ornaments, and nothing more.

I watch too much Red Dwarf. Time to me doesn't follow a in a straight linear fashion, but darts around in a rather twisted fashion.

I'm hoping in 20 minutes its going to be 9:28pm.

mooooooooooooose. like Bullwinkle. Bullwinkle the moooooooooose.

its 4 am. i think its time to go to bed. mostly now that i have just gotten very excited about a mooose.

time for beddy byes...
Reply 17
time for beddy byes...

"Time for beddy byes"

Isn't that the Tellytubbies?
Reply 18
"Time for beddy byes"

Isn't that the Tellytubbies?

That would be 'time for tubby bye-bye'. It's somewhat akin to the licenced, commercial variant, if you will.
Reply 19
Well no, but you're crazy if one week into a relationship you are envisaging marriage.
My friend did that. :eek: