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Casio FX-85ES - how to change answers to decimal?

At the moment all my answers are coming out as fractions and fractions are useless to me as I need all my numbers in decimals. How do I get it to give me decimal answers by default? I know I can press the fraction -> decimal button but that gets kinda annoying when you have to press it every time.

Had a quick look through the instructions and tried a few things that looked like they would work but didn't do anything.

Anyone know how to do it?
Reply 1
Change "MathIO" to "LineIO" by pressing the buttons [ SHIFT ] followed by [ MODE ] and then the number [ 2 ] for "LineIO".
Reply 2
There is a button like SD\boxed{S \Leftrightarrow D}
Reply 3
there shoulf be a button on your calculator which looks something like S<->D. so when you get an answer and its in fractions press that button and it converts it to decimals and normal numbers. Hope that helps
Reply 4
Change "MathIO" to "LineIO" by pressing the buttons [ SHIFT ] followed by [ MODE ] and then the number [ 2 ] for "LineIO".

Thanks, that's perfect :smile:

There is a button like SD\boxed{S \Leftrightarrow D}

there shoulf be a button on your calculator which looks something like S<->D. so when you get an answer and its in fractions press that button and it converts it to decimals and normal numbers. Hope that helps

Not being funny but did either of you read the first post?

At the moment all my answers are coming out as fractions and fractions are useless to me as I need all my numbers in decimals. How do I get it to give me decimal answers by default? I know I can press the fraction -> decimal button but that gets kinda annoying when you have to press it every time.

Had a quick look through the instructions and tried a few things that looked like they would work but didn't do anything.

Anyone know how to do it?
Reply 5
press shift and then mode and then press 2 for LINEIO that will have all answers as a decimal by default
Reply 6
u need to press the button that looks like:

S <-> D

Its above the DEL button
Reply 7
u need to press the button that looks like:

S <-> D

Its above the DEL button

Heh, fail.

(Read above posts to see why I said that)
Reply 8
Heh, fail.

(Read above posts to see why I said that)

you're right, my bad. didn't read the whole post
Straight and to the point. Thanks
"Shift --> Mode --> 1 --> 2" sets it to show decimal as the standard answer and fraction when you press s<->D
How do you reverse this?
Reply 12
Original post by BastionFM
How do you reverse this?

You can reset the calculator to revert to default settings:

SHIFT, 9, 3, =, =
You saved me soooooo much time. Thanks!
thank you
Reply 15
Original post by Plato123
Change "MathIO" to "LineIO" by pressing the buttons [ SHIFT ] followed by [ MODE ] and then the number [ 2 ] for "LineIO".

Thank you sooo much. I thought I would have to live with the dread of pressing a button after getting my resultt
on casio fx-83gt x, best thing to do is: shift > setup > 1 input / output > 2 MathI / DecimalO for permanent change, than you can use S<>D for moving into the fractions. the LineI makes it funny looking on display hope this helps in 2021 with newer models
(edited 4 years ago)