The Student Room Group
I've got AAB offers for english from both uni's and i dont know which is the best place to go. Or theres reading as well but ive heard thats really boring. Any opinions??

Hehe, I have the same dilemma as you....although I won't be studying English. I keep changing my mind...gotta make the decision soon though! I drove through Reading the other day and it's just full of offices, can't imagine being a student is much fun there!
Reply 2
I've got AAB offers for english from both uni's and i dont know which is the best place to go. Or theres reading as well but ive heard thats really boring. Any opinions??

I come from Sussex and i love it here...Brighton is a great place to be a student, with great shops to suit everyone, great bars, restaurants, clubs, everything...and we have the downs if you get bored of the city and want some green fields :rolleyes: But i've also heard that Leeds is a great City from people who go to uni there/want to go to uni there.

Oh and Sussex has one thing that Leeds doesn't........the beach...and the pier!

Feel free to ask any questions about Sussex.
im tryin 2 decide between sussex and reading too! ive visited both and id say susses campus is nicer, and there are more idividual shops, even tho reading has really new massive shopping, restaurant, cinema area which is really nice!

one problem wiv sussex tho is that u hav 2 get a train into brighton which is a bit of a pain whereas reading and i presume leeds are jst a short walk from town!
I would definately choose Sussex - it's one of the best universities for English.