I have permed hair, but its not like a tight perm like a poodle which everyone usually thinks it is, its medium spirals. They're beautiful, and are permanent and last til your hair grows out of it.
I was born with naturally wavy dark brown hair, and I used to hate them. Then one of the worlds greatest inventions the straightners came out, and the waves were gone woohooo. But It was a pain in the ass staightening every morning, and people used to say I didnt suit stright hair cos I look like a man. So then came the curls, and ever since then Ive been so happy with my hair.
Why does everyone think curls are so hard to look after? Cos theyre not. After washing and conditioning your hair, you just pile loads of moose in the hair and let it dry naturally and there its done, takes just secs to do, whereas straightners used to take about 15 minutes.
However the perm has made my hair become very dry, but a good conditioner gets rid of that.