The Student Room Group

Dye / Straightening / Perming Hair

Who in here does that?? Do you think it's nicer to dye / straighten / curl your hair or just keep it natural??

I personally have natural black hair, but I've dyed it darkish brown with light/medium brown highlights. I have natural curls / some frizzes, and my friends always ask me why I don't straighten it...cos almost every girl in school does that. Even though my hair can be really annoying when i have a bad hair day, I prefer to leave it alone cos I don't really like to have hair I describe as "waterfall".

What do you people think about that??
I have permed hair, but its not like a tight perm like a poodle which everyone usually thinks it is, its medium spirals. They're beautiful, and are permanent and last til your hair grows out of it.
I was born with naturally wavy dark brown hair, and I used to hate them. Then one of the worlds greatest inventions the straightners came out, and the waves were gone woohooo. But It was a pain in the ass staightening every morning, and people used to say I didnt suit stright hair cos I look like a man. So then came the curls, and ever since then Ive been so happy with my hair.
Why does everyone think curls are so hard to look after? Cos theyre not. After washing and conditioning your hair, you just pile loads of moose in the hair and let it dry naturally and there its done, takes just secs to do, whereas straightners used to take about 15 minutes.
However the perm has made my hair become very dry, but a good conditioner gets rid of that.
curly/wavy hair is soooo much more fun than poker straight :smile: I hate poker straight hair, so do all the hairdressers i've spoken to... much more fun to be wild :wink:
I have permed hair, but its not like a tight perm like a poodle which everyone usually thinks it is, its medium spirals. They're beautiful, and are permanent and last til your hair grows out of it.
I was born with naturally wavy dark brown hair, and I used to hate them. Then one of the worlds greatest inventions the straightners came out, and the waves were gone woohooo. But It was a pain in the ass staightening every morning, and people used to say I didnt suit stright hair cos I look like a man. So then came the curls, and ever since then Ive been so happy with my hair.
Why does everyone think curls are so hard to look after? Cos theyre not. After washing and conditioning your hair, you just pile loads of moose in the hair and let it dry naturally and there its done, takes just secs to do, whereas straightners used to take about 15 minutes.
However the perm has made my hair become very dry, but a good conditioner gets rid of that.

For natural curls can get into quite a mess sometimes. Everyone says i would suit straightened hair but i don't wanna damage my hair anymore cos it's already naturally quite dry. I usually don't bother blow-drying my hair after washing it. I know my mom always tells me i'll get a headache but i'm just too lazy. I dunno why...i just don't like to put jel / stuff in my makes me feel really...icky...
For natural curls can get into quite a mess sometimes. Everyone says i would suit straightened hair but i don't wanna damage my hair anymore cos it's already naturally quite dry. I usually don't bother blow-drying my hair after washing it. I know my mom always tells me i'll get a headache but i'm just too lazy. I dunno why...i just don't like to put jel / stuff in my makes me feel really...icky...

I know you dont like gel and stuff, I hate that stuff too. But moose is lovely. Why dont you bring out your natural curls with abit of john frieda moose. Thats my fav one as its not sticky. After washing your hair, get the moose and scrunch it all over your hair, then keep your head down and blowdry it.
Also mayonnaise can get rid of dry hair. Honestly it works, Ive tried it, ok its smelly, but it makes your hair silky.
My hair is just covered in strange chemicals. When I was 13 I was allowed to dye my hair semi-permanent for the first time, and since then I've dyed my hair regularly. I wish I'd just stayed natural, because now I have to have my roots done at the salon every 6-8 weeks. Now I'm working on getting the bulk of my crazy hair back to its natural colour, but with just a few highlights here and there for variety. I straighten my hair too, I'm a ghd devotee, lol. I don't make it poker straight, I just run the straighteners through my hair once before I go out to get rid of the excess bushiness and random bits of hair that seem to stick out all over the place and make me look like a mad cavewoman.
Reply 6
Its up to you- what you do with your hair should be to please you and only you. I straighten my hair but only cos it looks like a haystack if I don't lol.
Reply 7
I straighten my hair most days...but i do love having curls. Some people are so lucky though, they have naturally nice curly/wavy hair...mines just a big mess.
my hair is naturally ringlet curly except the ringlet curls are v v frizzy so i straighten my hair as its way easier than leaving it natural and making it not frizzy. but i dont blow dry it and use loadsa protection products so i dont think its that damaged.

i dont have any highlights nemore i did have them but i dyed it natural and let them grow out and i av natural highlights now which look way better
Reply 9
I dye my hair every few months. And I once had it chemically straightened, which was v good but v expensive
Reply 10
I got my hair permed about 4 weeks ago - at first I hated it coz it was so curly but now its just wavy. It's slightly annoying coz if I want it straight I have to use straightners (rather than just blow drying it straight) but I think I do prefer it permed than straight.