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Whats it like studying and living in Bath ..?

have to decide which uni to go to soon so in need of help to decide :P !!
Reply 1
I'm in this position too. Sorry to hyjack your thread. :smile:
Can anyone tell me how long it takes for the bus to go from the campus to the city centre and could it be walked and if so how long does that take?
Hello :smile:

Bath is lovely. Good for all kinds of people, for party animals and geeks and internationals. Lovely town though it seems to be colder here than in London. Uni itself is good too, they are improving constantly, new buildings should be finished this summer I think. Some lecturers are awesome (not every single one but hey). Placement = amazing opportunity, a big plus for anyone who's here. Do check the reputation of your department, fairly important. Check your course well, I know people who have dropped out as they were disappointed. Economics is very mathematical for example. You can learn a language (or two) alongside your degree (any level!) OR even as a part of your degree (post A-Level only), one fifth to be exact - even if you are doing physics or whatever you can pick a language as an option. Oh yeah and the options are really good too.

The bus takes about 10 minutes to get down to town, probably about 15 minutes to get back up. Takes 25-35 minutes to walk (depends on where you are going). The views are amazing, it is worth it to walk.

Hope this helps.
Just wanted to confirm everything the above poster said, bascially a great place to live and study. I love my course and the teaching is mostly really good. I can't wait to live in the city next year. I'd enjoy the exercise of a 30 min walk to campus with those amazing views :smile:
Reply 4
Hello :smile:

Bath is lovely. Good for all kinds of people, for party animals and geeks and internationals. Lovely town though it seems to be colder here than in London. Uni itself is good too, they are improving constantly, new buildings should be finished this summer I think. Some lecturers are awesome (not every single one but hey). Placement = amazing opportunity, a big plus for anyone who's here. Do check the reputation of your department, fairly important. Check your course well, I know people who have dropped out as they were disappointed. Economics is very mathematical for example. You can learn a language (or two) alongside your degree (any level!) OR even as a part of your degree (post A-Level only), one fifth to be exact - even if you are doing physics or whatever you can pick a language as an option. Oh yeah and the options are really good too.

The bus takes about 10 minutes to get down to town, probably about 15 minutes to get back up. Takes 25-35 minutes to walk (depends on where you are going). The views are amazing, it is worth it to walk.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for that. :smile:
Reply 5
on the walking front from oldfield park which is where most of the students live for 2nd/3rd years it takes roughly 45 min - about 25min to get to the bottom of one of the hills (most people who walk go up Widcombe hill) then about 15 min up the hill if your a fast walker and 5 min to class after that.

I always leave an hour before i have to be there just to be sure though :smile:

If you have a 9:15 lecture it can end up being about the same time scales for the bus especially if it's raining as traffic is awful around rush hour in bath and you might get passed by a few full buses before you get on one.

but during the day 10-15min is about right for a town trip

and yeah the walk is good!!!
On the very helpful comment from Tanusha-Tomsk, can you expand on what you mean about economics being very mathematical please? Can it be otherwise? Just trying to understand as we plan a visit to see the university. Thanks in advance!
Original post by Always curious
On the very helpful comment from Tanusha-Tomsk, can you expand on what you mean about economics being very mathematical please? Can it be otherwise? Just trying to understand as we plan a visit to see the university. Thanks in advance!

Not an economics student, but I dont see how you can avoid it getting mathematical. As they say in Wolf of Wall Street (not an accurate representation of your work i know).... "Your dealing with
numbers all day long decimal points, high frequencies, bang bang bang, digits, all very acidic above the shoulders mustard s***"

Ok jokes aside, if you did economics at a-level, its going to be at least as "mathematical" as that
Dear Quentin.. What if one combines economics with another subject, is it still just about numbers! Poor me, I thought it as about people too. Still lots to learn ...
Original post by Always curious
Dear Quentin.. What if one combines economics with another subject, is it still just about numbers! Poor me, I thought it as about people too. Still lots to learn ...

If you quote my answer i'll reply quicker....anyway to my answer.

If you do it as a combined honours you can remove some of them. But check out the first year modules:

From what ive seen only "the modern world economy" doesnt have that much maths in, all the others have maths in the name (so must be almost all maths) or in the module description.

If you look however at Economics and Politics (combined honours), you cut out a few of them but its still heavily based in Maths. Its pretty difficult to avoid maths in economics.
Reply 10
Hi! How long approximately are winter holidays in Bath?
Original post by AlisaD88
Hi! How long approximately are winter holidays in Bath?

This last winter we technically got from December 19th to January 6th. But bear in mind, the work REALLY winds down in that final week (you may not even have anything, I know I didnt). And that first week back in January is technically a revision week. And when you finish your exams, the last week of January is an "inter-semester break"-basically another week off, unless like me you do a masters in which case, its not a break
Reply 12
Original post by QuentinM

This last winter we technically got from December 19th to January 6th. But bear in mind, the work REALLY winds down in that final week (you may not even have anything, I know I didnt). And that first week back in January is technically a revision week. And when you finish your exams, the last week of January is an "inter-semester break"-basically another week off, unless like me you do a masters in which case, its not a break

Thank you very much, that helps a lot!

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