The Student Room Group

Lee Shau Kee Scholarship


I'm from Hong Kong and I'm planning to apply for UK universities in 2006.
I'm thinking, if I applied through UCAS for , say, Oxford and LSE,
had the Oxford interview but got rejected,
on the other hand got a conditional offer from LSE, say, AAB.

Then, in July, there's the interview of the Lee Shau Kee Scholarship,
four to five students are selected each year and can go to Wadham directly.

My question is, if that is the case, should I accept the offer from LSE?
If I have, most likely Oxford won't consider me for the Lee Shau Kee Scholarship, will it?
I've considered giving up the place in LSE, then apply again next year if Oxford doesn't want me. But then, I won't have the Overseas scholarship from my school, and I won't be able to afford going to the UK to study.

What should I do? Studying in the UK is my dream since childhood, but I do love Oxford very much! I like the tutorial system and the course itself! I like its traditions, its buildings, its everything, but the risk will be so big!HELP! What do you think??

P.S. I'm predicted 5A's and there were only 5 students out of over 35,000 who've got 5A's last year in the territory. No 6A's or above.
Reply 1
Then, in July, there's the interview of the Lee Shau Kee Scholarship,
four to five students are selected each year and can go to Wadham directly.

My question is, if that is the case, should I accept the offer from LSE?
If I have, most likely Oxford won't consider me for the Lee Shau Kee Scholarship, will it?

More likely than not, the scholarship would be conditional upon you having already been accepted by Oxford (even if it's at another college). "Go to Wadham directly" sounds more like the case where they merely allow you to migrate (ie. transfer) to Wadham (on the conditions of the scholarship)

My take is, if you don't get an offer from Oxford, you are not likely to be considered favourably for the scholarship too.

But that's only my guess, so I may be wrong. It would be best for you to check with the scholarship body directly on its terms and eligibility.

Good luck
Reply 2
More likely than not, the scholarship would be conditional upon you having already been accepted by Oxford (even if it's at another college). "Go to Wadham directly" sounds more like the case where they merely allow you to migrate (ie. transfer) to Wadham (on the conditions of the scholarship)

There's a selection committe, including 1 or 2 professors(or lecturers or tutors?!) from Wadham(e.g. Prof. Peter Carter and Dr. Colin Wood in the past). The selected candidates can go to Wadham and read the course they have chosen. And the selection process will start in July, after we've received our A-Level results. It works like this:
application+recommendation from school principal --> interviews --> if successful: =accepted by Wadham + can have the scholarship.
Reply 3
Best thing to do is contact Wadham directly.
Reply 4

I'm from Hong Kong and I'm planning to apply for UK universities in 2006.
I'm thinking, if I applied through UCAS for , say, Oxford and LSE,
had the Oxford interview but got rejected,
on the other hand got a conditional offer from LSE, say, AAB.

Then, in July, there's the interview of the Lee Shau Kee Scholarship,
four to five students are selected each year and can go to Wadham directly.

My question is, if that is the case, should I accept the offer from LSE?
If I have, most likely Oxford won't consider me for the Lee Shau Kee Scholarship, will it?
I've considered giving up the place in LSE, then apply again next year if Oxford doesn't want me. But then, I won't have the Overseas scholarship from my school, and I won't be able to afford going to the UK to study.

What should I do? Studying in the UK is my dream since childhood, but I do love Oxford very much! I like the tutorial system and the course itself! I like its traditions, its buildings, its everything, but the risk will be so big!HELP! What do you think??

P.S. I'm predicted 5A's and there were only 5 students out of over 35,000 who've got 5A's last year in the territory. No 6A's or above.

I've been trying to get my head round this, with little success, I fear.

The key thing, I think, is that you will be applying for 2006, while (if I've understood you correctly) the scholarship interview will be in July 2005, so there's not the urgency I first thought there was. Also the whole situation is hypothetical. So can't you do the scholarship interview and then decide ? Obviously, if they offer you one, you say YES. And if they don't, proceed as before, meaning apply to Oxford, the LSE and wherever else you fancy, do the Oxford interview, and then choose according to what you're offered. (You should know by about the end of the year.).

Anyway, if I were you, I'd ask your school (who obviously have a very high opinion of you) to contact whoever administers the scholarship and ask exactly how it works.

One thing I'm certain of is that Oxford won't offer you the scholarship if you tell them you aren't coming to Oxford ! And I don't think it's likely that they'll offer a scholarship to someone who they aren't pretty certain of offering a place to - i.e. being offered a scholarship will mean being offered a place.

Good luck anyway. I'm sorry if this has been unhelpful blithering.