The Student Room Group

Birthday Ideas

My gf's birthday is coming up soon, and I need some ideas for what to do. I want to do something original and fun, but have no idea what. Also I have to beat what she did about a month ago for my birthday.

To summarise: she made a wordsearch with 19 words, (because it was my 19th) each related to us as a couple. For each word there was a clue to one present. There were 19 presents.

I have to beat this, it's not a competition, but it's the comptetitiveness in me coming out. Any ideas would be appreciated. :smile:

(Possible rep for best one)

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I know this is gonna sound like a joke... But for my best friends 18th, me and my other friends kidnapped her. We grabbed her when she was going out to her car on her way to school and we blindfolded her and took her 1 hour away to the city for dinner and kept jokin while we were in the car that we were gonna take her to a stip club.....not sayin whether or not we did in the end....haha
Reply 2
Hmm you could do something kind of like it - maybe a treasure hunt? Give her a birthday card and in it would be a clue to a destination where a next clue is. Maybe you could relate them to your relationship - like where your first date was etc...and then on the last clue you could have plane tickets for a long weekend to Paris or something?
Reply 3
I know this is gonna sound like a joke... But for my best friends 18th, me and my other friends kidnapped her. We grabbed her when she was going out to her car on her way to school and we blindfolded her and took her 1 hour away to the city for dinner and kept jokin while we were in the car that we were gonna take her to a stip club.....not sayin whether or not we did in the end....haha

Hehe, that sounds good, but then ultimately it would just be me taking her to dinner, right? I'm going to do that anyway, so it might not really work. Keep the ideas coming though. :smile:
Reply 4
Hmm you could do something kind of like it - maybe a treasure hunt? Give her a birthday card and in it would be a clue to a destination where a next clue is. Maybe you could relate them to your relationship - like where your first date was etc...and then on the last clue you could have plane tickets for a long weekend to Paris or something?

Can't do that, we're already going on holiday somewhere this money, and money needs to be considered as well.
Reply 5
Mad Caddie
Can't do that, we're already going on holiday somewhere this money, and money needs to be considered as well.

Ok, sorry!
If money is a problem try something like writing her a poem, or a long long letter telling her how you feel about her? I think the treasure hunt thing is quite a good idea, and relatively inexpensive. You could organise something that she's always wanted to do but never had the time/energy/money eg bungee? diving? skiing? I dunno. If it is to be something personal then you really need to come up with it yourself.
aww your gfs so romantic.

i suggest strongly:

tell her you have booked a special (table at good restaurant/film/gig/theatre/whatever she likes). say its a surprise secret and dont say where it is so she needs to turn up at ur house and u'll drive her to the mystery location.or pick her up from her house then say 'oh dear i forgot my XXX' and drive her back to yours.

when she gets to yours, you have cooked a delicious 3 course meal with lovely wine,asparagus for starter,her favourite main course or any italian food and strawberries dipped in belgium chocolate with cream for dessert.

you have laid the table with a lovely tablecloth, 3 red candles (eat by candlelight), and a single red rose in a vase. you also have her favorite CD/any romantic CD playing.

after dinner, ask her to dance then give her your gift. this could be any solid gold necklace, any ring, diamond earrings, anything white gold etc and a photo album filled with cute pics of the two of u togther. then take her to the bedroom where you
have covered the bed in rose petals and loads of candles and give her the REAL present.

pleas i have tried hard for my rep :wink:
Reply 8
magiccarpet, thanks for the idea, sounds really good, i'll defo consider it.
Reply 9
however old she is, the same number of small ickle boxes, each with a reason why you love her and a small yummy chocolate :smile: just a small idea p'haps, to go with a nice well thought out pressie and a scrummy meal cooked by you! :biggrin:
take her on a shopping trip to New York :biggrin: hehe
Reply 11
however old she is, the same number of small ickle boxes, each with a reason why you love her and a small yummy chocolate :smile:

Yup, I think I'll defo do that amongst other things, cheers. :biggrin:

Not sure about a meal though, it could go v.v.wrong. Cooking isn't one of my plus points. :frown:
Get aload of photos of you/her, get a big picture frame...and make a big picture...thingy...
Reply 13
Practice it beforehand :smile:
Reply 14
Get aload of photos of you/her, get a big picture frame...and make a big picture...thingy...

I've not got many photos, I was put off taking pics after losing my digital camera. :frown:
Reply 15
Hmm you could do something kind of like it - maybe a treasure hunt? Give her a birthday card and in it would be a clue to a destination where a next clue is. Maybe you could relate them to your relationship - like where your first date was etc...and then on the last clue you could have plane tickets for a long weekend to Paris or something?

We did this for a friend but used photos of places she knew really well, views where we'd had really fun times and stuff. Get hold of a polariod camera and then you've got that little white border to write a clue too as pictures can be sooo misleading.
oooo ooooo..... call her early early in the morning and tell her to look outside her window, you stand underneath holding a sign saying "I love you" or "happy Birthday". Then later tell her to meet you at the park or somewhere outside and greeny, tell her to look in the pond and have a toy boat with a present floating with a message telling her where to meet you next. Send her somewhere, maybe somewhere signifcant with a box with her outfit for the evening in it. (buy her, dress the works) Leave a message with the clothes telling her to go home and get ready. You should leave something in her bedroom.. then take her out to a nice meal and get the restaurant to play your song.... maybe get a horse drawn carriage to drive you home (this is pushing it slightly)
Reply 17
oooo ooooo..... call her early early in the morning and tell her to look outside her window, you stand underneath holding a sign saying "I love you" or "happy Birthday". Then later tell her to meet you at the park or somewhere outside and greeny, tell her to look in the pond and have a toy boat with a present floating with a message telling her where to meet you next. Send her somewhere, maybe somewhere signifcant with a box with her outfit for the evening in it. (buy her, dress the works) Leave a message with the clothes telling her to go home and get ready. You should leave something in her bedroom.. then take her out to a nice meal and get the restaurant to play your song.... maybe get a horse drawn carriage to drive you home (this is pushing it slightly)

Ahh, I like it.

The whole bedroom window thing may be a bit tricky as I have an exam the morning of her birthday, but maybe doing it at a later date would work?

Also, question for the girls, if I want to buy my gf a fairly cheap, but stylish and good looking dress, then where should I be looking? Shops and places would be useful.
Reply 18
I'm a fan of the old fashioned "memory box and stuff that reminds me of you and things we did"

if you get a trinket box, and fill it with things that directly relate to your experiences together, it's extra special.

What sorts of things would you put in/want in it?
Ahh, I like it.

The whole bedroom window thing may be a bit tricky as I have an exam the morning of her birthday, but maybe doing it at a later date would work?

Also, question for the girls, if I want to buy my gf a fairly cheap, but stylish and good looking dress, then where should I be looking? Shops and places would be useful.

maybe do this all a day before her birthday...heighten the shock factor!

Cheap yet nice dress?

look no further than H&M...but maybe too casual
Or you could try TKMAXX..always a great choice

or my favourite:

If you live near London i could give you more specifics