I'm trying to choose my firm choice, but I've come to no decisions. I originally wanted to go to Leeds, but since seeing Sheffield last month I've changed my mind. I've been contemplating it for the past month, but have still been unable to come to any decisions! Both of the courses require the same grades too, so I can't put one for insurance, as I feel that would be too risky (even though I'm on track for the grades at the moment!) I've asked my mum her opinions on them both, and she says it's a very hard decision.. as they are both well respected Universities, and are both impressive.. her thoughts were "I wouldn't be able to choose between them.. course at Leeds, but Sheffield for everything else". Unfortuantly, life isn't that simple.. and I really have to make a decision. I'm just wondering if any of you guys could help me out... I've written my opinions on each of the Universities below.
University of Sheffield
I love Sheffield as a city, it's got everything you need in it.. and the best part about it, is that it really doesn't feel like a city, more of a big town. I've found the people very friendly (compared to where I live) and theres loads of green spaces too. It just has a really nice feel about the place and it is one of the safest cities in the UK.
The department is rated 1st in the country, which is very impressive. However, the course is more of how things are used, rather than the making of things.. (I'd probably prefer the latter!) but it is very broad in what is covered in the course, which I feel is good, as it could lead to all different areas. The lecturers seemed very helpful, and very friendly. The course offers a year work placement too, which would be recognised in the degree.
The accommodation was amazing - it's less than 2 years old.. and very modern! I liked the rooms, and the area around it seemed really nice, and safe. I liked how there was a bar on site, and that it was only a 20 minute walk to the University.
The University has a good reputation, and the student union is awesome, no wonder it's had so many awards!! All the students seemed really friendly, and I liked where the University was situated. The facilities were impressive too!
University of Leeds
I'm not so familar with Leeds, but it seems like a very vibrant city with a lot of things going on. I'm sure they aren't that much different. As with Sheffield, I've found the people very friendly.
The department is rated 4th in the country, which is very good. The course is specialised, and is the only University to offer it (especially at a redbrick) in the country. It's well recognised in the industry too. It focuses on mostly one aspect of what I want to do, and it's more about creating, then how things are used, which is what I enjoy doing. However, I'm wondering if I might get bored of it, or find it that it doesn't give me a very broad understanding of other aspects like the Sheffield course, as it's very focused. The lecturers were very enthusiastic, and very friendly. The course also offers a year abroad, or a work placement.
Unfortuantly, I've been unable to see the accommodation.. and have had to rely on the guide I was sent, and opinions on TSR. The accommodation seems nice, and if I was to choose Leeds, I'd already know what place I'd apply for.
The University has a good reputation, and the student union is awesome! I like how the University is set behind the Parkinson Building, so it is nice that all the buildings are on a campus. I'm not too familiar with the area around the University, it looks alright from what I've seen!
I know choosing a University shouldn't just be about the course, or the location.. but where I feel I'd be most happiest.. unfortuantly, at the moment I have no clue. I feel I'd be happier in one University for certain things, but the other University for other aspects! At the moment, I'm wondering if I went to Leeds, that I could have gone to Sheffield.. and that I may enjoy the experience more, as I prefer more things about it.. but I wonder if I went to Sheffield, and found out the course wasn't exactly what I thought, or if I wasn't enjoying it.. then I'd be disappointed that I didn't choose Leeds... so as you can see, I have a dilema!
Based on what I've just said.. could any of you write your opinions on my thoughts, and what you think I should do with how I feel about both Universities at the moment... it would be most helpful, as I really don't know!