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Help with Italian Non-Coursework ie unit5 paper1 eexcel

hi guys,

i am currently self-studying italian AS and A2...everything seems pretty much ok apart from unit 5 paper 1 which is the option for those who cannot take the coursework option in A2.

i was wondering if anyone has done this before or has any past papers or even a clue at what and how the questions are, i am looking at choosing two books instead of two topics,
i'm thinking of going for "volevo i pantaloni" by cardella and "la disubbidienza" by moravia

thanks :smile:
Reply 1
This is the only past paper I could find - it's in pdf format:


Sorry I can't be of further help...I didn't do the A-Level!
Reply 2
awww thank you so much for your help!!! at least you tried :smile: *HUGS*
I'm doing Volevo i Pantaloni at the moment, but I don't actually have any past questions because we've not started practise essays yet. But if you want to ask anything about the book at all I can help you, we've done it so thoroughly in class!
Reply 4
I'm doing Volevo i Pantaloni at the moment, but I don't actually have any past questions because we've not started practise essays yet. But if you want to ask anything about the book at all I can help you, we've done it so thoroughly in class!

Hi! I'm doing Volevo I Pantaloni too, but I was the only A2 student and the teacher hadn't taught it before, so we just read it and did some essaypractice, but what are the main themes you've been taught? Did you learn about Sicilian society too?
Hi! I'm doing Volevo I Pantaloni too, but I was the only A2 student and the teacher hadn't taught it before, so we just read it and did some essaypractice, but what are the main themes you've been taught? Did you learn about Sicilian society too?

The main themes are probably violence (i.e. the violence that Annetta experiences at the hands of her parents); abuse (her Uncle abuses her) and her struggle to have the same rights as men/her struggle for fredeom and independence which we see throughout the book! We learnt a bit about Sicilian society. We actually had an essay title that was ""Donna e' moglie, donna e' madre, ma non e' persona"" - cosa nella societa' siciliana porta Annetta di pensare questo?" or something along those lines, and I mentioned how women just weren't equal to men in that society, and what the expected role of women was, and analysed it all like "this is demonstrated through Annetta's constant struggle for equal rights, for example when she wears her uncles trousers!".. that wasn't a particularly good example, can't remember exactly what I wrote now but yeah :p:

It's good to find another Italian A-level person on here, there are only a few of us! Are you doing languages at uni?
Reply 6

It's good to find another Italian A-level person on here, there are only a few of us! Are you doing languages at uni?

Thank you! That's really helpful. I found some of the mark schemes and reports and have just been working through it. I'm doing Senza Sangue as well. I've worked out that I could get a C for it and still get an A overall, haha, so I am a bit less scared.

Yeah, I'm doing French and Italian at UCL next year, you?
Thank you! That's really helpful. I found some of the mark schemes and reports and have just been working through it. I'm doing Senza Sangue as well. I've worked out that I could get a C for it and still get an A overall, haha, so I am a bit less scared.

Yeah, I'm doing French and Italian at UCL next year, you?

You're welcome! Wow I'd love an A over all but it's not going to happen, I got quite a low B at AS. I messed up the oral this year as well and I'm just praying I'll get enough for a B! I need one because I'm hoping to go to Leicester to do Italian and Spanish :smile: I've not heard of Senza Sangue, the other one we're doing is Sei Personaggi in Cerca d'Autore... it's a play by Pirandello, and probably the strangest i've ever read :p:
Reply 8
You're welcome! Wow I'd love an A over all but it's not going to happen, I got quite a low B at AS. I messed up the oral this year as well and I'm just praying I'll get enough for a B! I need one because I'm hoping to go to Leicester to do Italian and Spanish :smile: I've not heard of Senza Sangue, the other one we're doing is Sei Personaggi in Cerca d'Autore... it's a play by Pirandello, and probably the strangest i've ever read :p:

I hope you get the B! I like the way it works though, if you mess up somewhere you can make up for it in something else. Yeah, I managed to get a good A at AS so that's eased the pressure this year thankfully, my offer is AAB and there's nooo way I'm getting an A for history, which is the other subject I'm doing, so i need an A for italian!
Yeah, I had a quick look at that play and it looked quite hard. I chose Senza Sangue cos it was quite thin :p:
I hope you get the B! I like the way it works though, if you mess up somewhere you can make up for it in something else. Yeah, I managed to get a good A at AS so that's eased the pressure this year thankfully, my offer is AAB and there's nooo way I'm getting an A for history, which is the other subject I'm doing, so i need an A for italian!
Yeah, I had a quick look at that play and it looked quite hard. I chose Senza Sangue cos it was quite thin :p:

Yeah I really hope I make up for it tomorrow! Sei Personaggi is hard though, I wish we'd done the thin one :p: Or Io Non Ho Paura, because i have that in English already. Oh well :frown: Good luck tomorrow!
Hey guys. Ok, I'm fluent in Italian and I'm in AS. However, I'm doing both AS and A2 this year. I've already finished the exams for AS, and it all went rather well. But as you all know we have the A2 unit 5 tomorrow and I've chosen "L'Italia agli inizi del 2000: societa', politica e economia" and a region (Tuscany). My school has never had any A level students except for me and my teacher has only ever taught at GCSE so we haven't actually done ANY work for A level (I skipped the GCSE). Does any of you know what I need to do????? I'm slightly panicking for I know very little about Italian politics, economy etc, just I didn't want to choose a book because I thought that would be too much work (considering I'm doing another 5 A levels on-top of Italian). PLEASE HELPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!! thankyou!
Hey guys. Ok, I'm fluent in Italian and I'm in AS. However, I'm doing both AS and A2 this year. I've already finished the exams for AS, and it all went rather well. But as you all know we have the A2 unit 5 tomorrow and I've chosen "L'Italia agli inizi del 2000: societa', politica e economia" and a region (Tuscany). My school has never had any A level students except for me and my teacher has only ever taught at GCSE so we haven't actually done ANY work for A level (I skipped the GCSE). Does any of you know what I need to do????? I'm slightly panicking for I know very little about Italian politics, economy etc, just I didn't want to choose a book because I thought that would be too much work (considering I'm doing another 5 A levels on-top of Italian). PLEASE HELPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!! thankyou!

I have absolutely no idea, sorry because I'm doing books, we're writing timed essays, one for each book :s-smilie:

I know very little about Italian politics, other than Silvio Berlusconi is Prime Minister and he's a bit bad really :p: I know stuff about Fascism but that's not present politics! Economics wise... umm they're being affected by the credit crunch and the recession as well, and there's a divide between the north and the south regions, i.e. the north is still richer.

Do you not know anything about the paper at all ? :s-smilie:
I have absolutely no idea, sorry because I'm doing books, we're writing timed essays, one for each book :s-smilie:

I know very little about Italian politics, other than Silvio Berlusconi is Prime Minister and he's a bit bad really :p: I know stuff about Fascism but that's not present politics! Economics wise... umm they're being affected by the credit crunch and the recession as well, and there's a divide between the north and the south regions, i.e. the north is still richer.

Do you not know anything about the paper at all ? :s-smilie:

Since I posted last I've been reading around a bit. I know now about social problems, the division between north and south, the houses of parliament, the president (Giorgio Napolitano), prime minister, Prodi and Berlusconi. I could mention the Mafia for social problems and the division I guess. I still need to read about the introduction of the Euro. Why oh why I chose politics over Sei Personaggi In Cerca d'Autore I don't know, it was right after another exam when I chose, practically outside the exam hall door she shoved it in my face the bitch.
Tomorrow morning I'll research Tuscany.
Aaaaaah HORRIBLE!!!!
actually not toooooo worried :rolleyes:
Since I posted last I've been reading around a bit. I know now about social problems, the division between north and south, the houses of parliament, the president (Giorgio Napolitano), prime minister, Prodi and Berlusconi. I could mention the Mafia for social problems and the division I guess. I still need to read about the introduction of the Euro. Why oh why I chose politics over Sei Personaggi In Cerca d'Autore I don't know, it was right after another exam when I chose, practically outside the exam hall door she shoved it in my face the bitch.
Tomorrow morning I'll research Tuscany.
Aaaaaah HORRIBLE!!!!
actually not toooooo worried :rolleyes:

I'm doing Sei Personaggi... I'd rather do what you're doing to be honest :p: I have to sit this exam in the morning as well because I have a clash, it's so unfair :frown:
I'm doing Sei Personaggi... I'd rather do what you're doing to be honest :p: I have to sit this exam in the morning as well because I have a clash, it's so unfair :frown:

Awwwww. Allora, parliamo in italiano per prepararci un po'. Da quant'e' che studi italiano? Abitai in Italia per 5 anni, quindi scrivere e parlare in italiano per me e' piuttosto facile, pero' e' il contenuto e la quantita' di roba da sapere che mi impaurisce.
Actually naaah that's enough of that. I've just read about the Euro, was boring as expected. =( Now for mass media.
Jesus the amount I need to know :sad: :sad::sad::sad::sad::sad:
Awwwww. Allora, parliamo in italiano per prepararci un po'. Da quant'e' che studi italiano? Abitai in Italia per 5 anni, quindi scrivere e parlare in italiano per me e' piuttosto facile, pero' e' il contenuto e la quantita' di roba da sapere che mi impaurisce.
Actually naaah that's enough of that. I've just read about the Euro, was boring as expected. =( Now for mass media.
Jesus the amount I need to know :sad: :sad::sad::sad::sad::sad:

Ho studiato l'italiano da 5 anni. Ma non sono molto brava! Pero' vorrei studiare l'italiano all'universita' a settembre. Ho paura dei temi italiani perché e' come un'esame inglese e uno d'italiano allo stesso tempo!
Yeah economics bores me. We did i mass media last term as a topic. Yawn! Can't remember much of it to be honest, it was more about the influence of the mass media on people and stuff.

In bocca al lupo! You'll be fine I'm sure :smile: :console:
Ho studiato l'italiano da 5 anni. Ma non sono molto brava! Pero' vorrei studiare l'italiano all'universita' a settembre. Ho paura dei temi italiani perché e' come un'esame inglese e uno d'italiano allo stesso tempo!
Yeah economics bores me. We did i mass media last term as a topic. Yawn! Can't remember much of it to be honest, it was more about the influence of the mass media on people and stuff.

In bocca al lupo! You'll be fine I'm sure :smile:

Wow, don't say that you're not molto brava, perche' lo sei! Certamente! We've basically studied it the same amount of time then, you don't seem to be at any level below me to be honest (and what does it matter?). AAAH okay so if the essays are alot like english essays (of which I have had very little practice) I'm going to find this reasonably difficult. Just thank God though that they're 250 words limit, means I don't necessarily have to write toooooo much. Actually I'm quite scared. I guess I could waffle a bit about politics and economics and stuff, just now need to study Tuscany (that sounds weird).
Wow you're gonna do languages in uni! I've kind of always wanted to do languages, but my passion for psychology over-rides it I think. I understand you've done the exam this morning, how was it? I'm sure you did well as well, I basically don't have a teacher so a B is expected unfortunately =( xx
Wow, don't say that you're not molto brava, perche' lo sei! Certamente! We've basically studied it the same amount of time then, you don't seem to be at any level below me to be honest (and what does it matter?). AAAH okay so if the essays are alot like english essays (of which I have had very little practice) I'm going to find this reasonably difficult. Just thank God though that they're 250 words limit, means I don't necessarily have to write toooooo much. Actually I'm quite scared. I guess I could waffle a bit about politics and economics and stuff, just now need to study Tuscany (that sounds weird).
Wow you're gonna do languages in uni! I've kind of always wanted to do languages, but my passion for psychology over-rides it I think. I understand you've done the exam this morning, how was it? I'm sure you did well as well, I basically don't have a teacher so a B is expected unfortunately =( xx

Yep I guess we have studied for the same amount of time. But you've lived out in Italy, which makes a difference. I'm going for the first time this summer!
Sadly we can't discuss edexcel exams until 11pm I think. It's because they could still be going on somewhere else in the world as it's an international exam board. But I'll tell you how I got on later :smile: Otherwise I'll risk getting warnings level 10 :eek:
Yep I guess we have studied for the same amount of time. But you've lived out in Italy, which makes a difference. I'm going for the first time this summer!
Sadly we can't discuss edexcel exams until 11pm I think. It's because they could still be going on somewhere else in the world as it's an international exam board. But I'll tell you how I got on later :smile: Otherwise I'll risk getting warnings level 10

Oh wow lol :eek: Okay then, I'll be back. Other than that, I have zero to say haha.... :redface:
Reply 19
Original post by Redpanda91
I'm doing Volevo i Pantaloni at the moment, but I don't actually have any past questions because we've not started practise essays yet. But if you want to ask anything about the book at all I can help you, we've done it so thoroughly in class!

Can you please send me ur notes i beg u