The Student Room Group

is it ok to drink alcohol after taking 1 immodium capsule?

anon because i don't really want people to know about my bowel movements :s-smilie:
basically, my stomach has been feeling a bit iffy today so just as a precaution i took an immodium capsule about 5 minutes ago. however, i'm going out at half 7 and i was planning on drinking tonight. i've read the information leaflet that came with the tablets but can't see anything about alcohol consumption.
do you think it would be okay?
i don't think you should drink. alcohol gives me the runs..

but i'm no pharmacist..
Reply 2
Lord no. You'll have The Nile flowing gently from your rectum.
Reply 3
The effect of the drug will be nullified.
Reply 4
Just a week ago i took 2 immodiums just before going out as i had rather loose bowl movements all day. Went out to get drunk and i was fine, the immodium still worked and i felt ok, no sickness or anything.
If it doesn't say something then it should be fine...
Companies have got to be extra careful about warning people what to do and what not to do when taking their products because of liability and people taking them to court and stuff.
If there's even a slight chance that drinking alcohol could be harmful they would almost definately have mentioned it in the leaflet.
Had a look at my BNF, it should be fine if you're drinking tonight. No contraindication at all.

What strength did you take?
BNF doesn't state specifically any interactions with alcohol but some research online says it can increase the severity of side effects. I know this is years later than OP but felt the need to post this after feeling reassured by the comments here before going drinking whilst on imodium. As someone who has never suffered from any side effects from taking imodium, I went out and had far fewer drinks than I would usually start a night with, yet my vision went blurry and I started to feel ridiculously drowsy to the point where I was falling asleep whilst standing and lost. As a result a friend had to help me home within 2 hours of originally heading out. TLDR:biggrin:ON'T DRINK IF YOU'VE HAD AN IMODIUM.Source for side effects claim:,imodium.html?professional=1

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