The Student Room Group

Is drinking alone really that bad?

I've seen this a lot lately....that it's bad to drink alone.

I disagree.

I drink on my own, maybe once or twice a week....happily pollishing off 2 bottles of wine, a bottle of whiskey or several beers (not the "or" :wink: )

My argument:

1) Drinking alone saves you money that would otherwise be spent on pub/club entry and inflated prices of drinks.
2) I like just listening to music whilst drinking, getting thoughts in my head a little clearer etc.
3) Generally, alcohol causes people to be abusive or another negative action, which is easily avoided if you drink alone - you don't risk people trying to fight you, nor do you risk offending/falling out with people.
4) You're not adding to the "Booze Britain" culture.

I am open to counter arguments, but I should make clear that I am no way dependant on alcohol. Also, I appreciate that my unit intake is probably far too high, but we're not debating this - simply, "What's wrong with drinking at home alone?"

I don't see it as a problem, but a lot of people say it's bad/wrong/abnormal etc.

Discuss :smile:

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It's not bad, just sad.
Reply 2
It's not bad, just sad.

Why? I socialise every day.
bad for your liver?
Reply 4
It's not bad, just sad.


Drinking alone is something 45 year old men do when their wives leave them. Don't drink alone kids, its not cool.
If I'm having a night in gaming or watching TV I usually have a few cans...or do you mean drinking out alone? I've done that as well, but it's not the same as having company, and only ever resort to it when absolutely desperate.
Reply 6
bad for your liver?

Yes, but so is drinking with people :p:
I can't see anything wrong with it - I'd be interested to know the arguments against it.

The only one I can think of is if you drink alone on top of going to pubs or clubs every night as well.
Reply 8
If I'm having a night in gaming or watching TV I usually have a few cans...or do you mean drinking out alone? I've done that as well, but it's not the same as having company, and only ever resort to it when absolutely desperate.

Drinking alone at home.

I don't think I would ever go out on the piss in a pub/club on my own!

Although I have had casual pints here and there to pass time in places other than my home town....
I think it depends. Like what you do I would never polish off that much like that. But I often drink a beer infront of the xbox/tv or with dinner, when I'm alone. But that quantity seems alot to polish off on your own like that
Drinking alone at home.

I don't think I would ever go out on the piss in a pub/club on my own!

Although I have had casual pints here and there to pass time in places other than my home town....

Yeah, I've only done it a couple of times when I've felt down and could murder a pint. And when I was in London the last couple of years taking my A Levels. I don't make a habit of it.
Reply 11
I think it depends. Like what you do I would never polish off that much like that. But I often drink a beer infront of the xbox/tv or with dinner, when I'm alone. But that quantity seems alot to polish off on your own like that

But I would drink the same, probably far more, if I was "out".

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind going out, but sometime drunk people just get annoying.

Drinking alone is something 45 year old men do when their wives leave them. Don't drink alone kids, its not cool.

Obviously daring to do something on one's own initiative without the priority being wider social acceptance is indicative of a fundamental psychological flaw. :rolleyes:
Hm, I quite like sitting in a pub, reading a book over a pint of cider in the summer.
Or I get a little bottle of wine in if I'm on my own and cooking something, but I don't drink to get drunk alone.
Nah it's fine so long as you aren't doing it because you're depressed and lonely :thumbsup:


Drinking alone is something 45 year old men do when their wives leave them. Don't drink alone kids, its not cool.

I don't do it much but when I do it's great! It doesn't make you 'sad' if you enjoy drinking wine! I think there are unnecessary negative connotations associated with drinking alone. I'm a normal person with plenty of friends and confidence. Drinking alone doesn't change that. :yep:

Besides, it doesn't matter if you're acting like a 45 yr old man... nobody is around to see. :wink:
I've seen this a lot lately....that it's bad to drink alone.

I disagree.

I drink on my own, maybe once or twice a week....happily pollishing off 2 bottles of wine, a bottle of whiskey or several beers (not the "or" :wink: )

My argument:

1) Drinking alone saves you money that would otherwise be spent on pub/club entry and inflated prices of drinks.
2) I like just listening to music whilst drinking, getting thoughts in my head a little clearer etc.
3) Generally, alcohol causes people to be abusive or another negative action, which is easily avoided if you drink alone - you don't risk people trying to fight you, nor do you risk offending/falling out with people.
4) You're not adding to the "Booze Britain" culture.

I am open to counter arguments, but I should make clear that I am no way dependant on alcohol. Also, I appreciate that my unit intake is probably far too high, but we're not debating this - simply, "What's wrong with drinking at home alone?"

I don't see it as a problem, but a lot of people say it's bad/wrong/abnormal etc.

Discuss :smile:

I drink alone sometimes, trust me - its so much more of a trip than being in a noisy club or pub. You can listen to your music, and you percive different things in it than usual. It tends to make me more creative and a lot of my best writings come from when I've had a few solitary tipples. You can do what you want with lesser consequences and risk. Thinking things over, etc etc.

Certainly doesn't make me some social fail either :s-smilie:. And anyone who thinks so completely unphases me, because I know I have friends, and I go out and socialise too (And not because I feel pressureised to do so, like most people)

Besides, a lot of the greatest artists, poets etc in history had cited their greatest works as the spawn of a night alone, with a bottle.

Don't listen to the masses, they're largely ignorant anyway. Just don't do it too often. Twice a month max I'd say.
Reply 16
drinking alone is pointless really, you drink to have a good time and enjoy yourself with mates. Drinking on your own brings you nothing at all apart from making you fake! :tongue:
Reply 17
Hubert Poo
Obviously daring to do something on one's own initiative without the priority being wider social acceptance is indicative of a fundamental psychological flaw. :rolleyes:

Reply 18
No, there's nothing wrong with a glass of wine in the evening. It of course depends on what you're drinking i.e. a casual glass of absinthe along with your favourite programme wouldn't be advised. Then there's the frequency issue, a glass of wine on occasion whilst relaxing is fine, but if you find yourself doing it every evening then it'd be a tad too much, in my eyes anyway.
I think having a few drinks by yourself is fine, but I'd find it very odd to get drunk alone. For me, the pleasure in being drunk comes from having a laugh with mates, doing stupid/entertaining/embarrasing things, which I don't really think is the same on your own.