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Are you scared of dying? I'm terrified :(

Ever since I was a kid I have been scared of dying... I am not sure why or how it came about, but I believe it was around my 17th birthday when I saw an 18 film was coming out soon (I think it was Freddy vs Jason) and I said "I cannot wait until I am 18!!!!". My Nan over heard me and said "Never wish your life away, you will regret it on your death bed"... I remember lying in bed that evening and thinking long and hard about death and how final and irreversible it is. My mum also used to say 'One year less on this Earth' when I was a kid and wished her happy birthday.

I just wanted to know if this is something unique to me... I've never met anyone my age scared of death... I guess it's not the kinda thing you talk about. I just find it hard to comprehend that there is 'nothing' more once you die... I quite often think about my great-great-great grandpa... I don't know his name, I don't think my mum would or anything for that matter and that's the kind of thing that upsets me.

I am unsure about God, Jesus, Christianity, etc... I like to believe in a 'God', like I personally think the world is too perfect to have 'just been' and I've read a lot of theories which really worked for me. But at the same time I don't want to say I believe in God as a cop out... I want to actually 'know there is a God' and right now I think I 'want to know there is a God...' does that make sense?

I'm only 22 (my birthday yesterday actually) and I didn't even tell anyone it was my birthday as I didn't want to be reminded about it (obviously my parents knew - but they know I don't celebrate birthdays although they don't know why... I think they think it is an ex thing, heh).

In normal life people would probably think me the last person to write this... I Thai Box (Basically full contact fighting with Knees and Elbows) and I have had Cage Fights, but every day I think about death and how that might be 'it' and sometimes it makes me literally feel sick.

Sorry for the rant and ramble... I guess my birthday brought it on :frown:

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Reply 1
I am too.
Life is long! Don't worry.
Oh yah just accept it, you could die any day at any time, and then your consciousness just ceases to exist, imagine that, not even the slightest thought. You just wouldnt exist.
Reply 4
I don't really think about it.
Reply 5
Stop worrying about when you will die and live your life
Nah, I would find it totally depressing to fear the most inevitable thing, the ONLY thing we can guarentee in life. Death. Its going to happen, I realise this and dont think about this. I just endeavour to live life to the full and live for everyday, because as its been mentioned before you never know whats around the corner.
Reply 7
Once you're dead you're not going to be around to care - so stop worrying :smile:
Don't waste your life thinking about what you can't avoid, nobody lives forever !
Reply 9
Not so scared of dying but more how I might die i.e being murdered. I don't really think about it to be honest though.
Reply 10
of course
it occasionally enters my mind-and then it freaks me out

it's a very scary prospect

but it's just the cycle of life
Reply 11
Personally I am not scared of death.... I have been before, affected as the OP was by my parents' and grandparents' reminiscence of their life and how quickly it goes by. But at the moment I am content- I mean I'm not the person who'll be able to give you the answer to what the purpose of life is, but I'm pretty sure it's not to worry about dying! :tongue:
And why do we always view death as being the end- why do we view it in a negative light and why are we even filled with dread sometimes? We know nothing of what happens after a person dies- what if it's not the end but a whole new stage of what we would call "life"? How can you be scared of something you know nothing about? Of course the thought of the unknown fills some people with dread but isn't it better to enjoy life at its full in the present and just take things as they come? Isn't it better to adopt a positive and optimistic attitude instead of fretting about what will happen when we die? :smile:
Death is a natural process.... we are all born, we live and we eventually die. =)
I don't celebrate my birthday either, does that make me abnormal?
Reply 13
No point in getting worried about something you cannot stop, we are all going to die eventually.
Reply 14
I can't wait to go to Heaven! :smile:
Reply 15
Of course. I mean, who doesn't?
The weirdest thing is that I can't remember snapping into consciousness at the beginning of my life. In a way, it feels like I've been alive forever.

I know exactly what you mean though; the idea of suddenly being in oblivion is completely absurd to me.
Reply 17
I'm not scared about death, only about how I will die and if there's any pain...
It is scary but we don't know what happens when we die. Best to ignore it. Accepting it as being a part of life will stop you from being scared :smile:
I'm more of afraid of not dying! Imagine living forever, what do you do when you've done everything that can be done, a million times? What are you supposed to do? Just exist, forever?

You all think I'm crazy don't you! Well I'm not! You're just jealous cos the voices are talking to me!