The Student Room Group
Amount spent working on an English degree: not much mwahahaha!
Usually, 2 books a week, and 1 book and several critical essays at times (these essays are quite difficult to get into though - so re-reading is required)
Reply 2
I do a fair bit of reading. On average I'd say 3-4 texts a week. However, those texts range in size and I've never felt overloaded yet. I also read for pleasure and providing you don't get behind on reading you should find it both pleasurable and manageable.
Reply 3
You learn to speed-read very, very quickly. I got back home after my first-term, picked up a few things to read for pleasure, and found I could no longer read anything at a slow and leisurely pace.

I found short stories were good for reading for pleasure, as you could read just one or two at a time - but then I got so interested I ended up writing a dissertation on them!

But yeah, the amount I read for the essays varied wildly, from two hefty 18th c. novels in a week, to, say, reading two poems by Pope (on a very slack week....). And crit...
Reply 4
That doesn't sound too bad, i average 1 book a week for pleasure anyway, so minus all the extra schoolwork i should have time for 2. xx
The workload at university is completely different from A-levels, which is what you should prepare yourself for. On my course (Q300 at MMU) we study for three modules a term, so far it has been Autumn Term: Introduction to narrative, Introduction to poetry, and Research methods. In this term i was required to read one narrative based novel a week, as well as the required reading for the other modules. Its a lot to read, but if you put the effort and time it is isn't a problem
Reply 6
I just need some general info on the workload people get in English at a good University.
This comes from my sister [Bristol]...

"It varies from week to week and from tutor to tutor, but a fairly average week right now consists of: reading 1 Shakespeare play, reading 1 novel, reading assorted criticism concerning these, attending seminars and tutorials to discuss them, and attending 4 lectures. Essays are due in every 2 weeks and count towards the mark for the year, so there's also reading/preparation to do for those".
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