The Student Room Group

Revision Courses

Lo there all. Name's Dave, long time reader, first time poster, currently focusing on getting good and scared of the upcoming GCSEs.

At the moment, i'm doing a revision course in Biology and Physics, both of which i was predicted borderline A's for. The biology is going great, so no regrets there. Physics is becoming a bit of a drag however. the teacher has already covered the stuff I was hoping to (radiation, waves and electricity, for what its worth). I mentioned in passing to a friend that I almost wish I had chosen Latin, both becuase of the course teacher, and because we have covered the areas of the course that I wanted to so quickly. She agreed, and asked if I would be up for changing to a Latin course.

Neither of the three subjects are ones that I intend to take to A-level (doing english, history, R.S and Philosophy, for what it's worth). I know it differs somewhat from course to course, but do any of you have opinions about how wise/stupid it would be to make the switch? Should I just persevere? The main reason I would do latin is for learning the poetry section, which is giving me a really hard time at the moment.

I think I may have babbled there a little bit. If anyone got what I meant, any advice would be appreciated
