The Student Room Group

What do You do if...

You're so ugly that you want to die or take a knife and rip this hideous flesh away? And no one here talks to you because of that and yet you feel you've made a contribution. And Monkey Boy or whatever his name is calls you a 'he' and a 'tw*t' and his mentors all gather round to protect him because they agree.

What do you do?
Rip your face off?

Any contributions to my 'plastic surgery' fund.

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hope that the world becomes a little less superficial and eat some chocolate - it will make you feel better I promise.

Reply 2
You're so ugly that you want to die or take a knife and rip this hideous flesh away? And no one here talks to you because of that and yet you feel you've made a contribution. And Monkey Boy or whatever his name is calls you a 'he' and a 'tw*t' and his mentors all gather round to protect him because they agree.

What do you do?
Rip your face off?

Any contributions to my 'plastic surgery' fund.

surround yourself with people who don't care about that stuff, they're more important than people who are superficial
Reply 3
For a start you take no notice of some **** who says that about someone else on a public forum, secondly you remember that those agreeing with Monkeyface are only doing so because they're desperate to 'fit in' and thirdly you thank God or (whatever you believe in) that YOU are not like that.

Bullying on public forums makes my blood boil
If the picture on your profile is you then I don't see what the problem is - you're pretty! :eek: You have amazing skin!
Reply 5
Bullying in general makes my blood boil :mad:

Bratcat, don't think like that :frown:
You aren't ugly at all, I saw your pic on your profile. Just because some eejit says bad things about your looks doesnt mean that it's true.
Just remember that to someone - you are perfection ; be proud of who you are :smile:
Is this some sort of joke thread or do you genuinley give a flying **** about what someone says over the internet?
Reply 7
If the picture on your profile is you then I don't see what the problem is - you're pretty! :eek: You have amazing skin!

Here here! :redface:
Reply 8
serious narb
Is this some sort of joke thread or do you genuinley give a flying **** about what someone says over the internet?

Don't start Narb... I'm sure we've been over all of this before - some people find the internet to be the only place they can express their feelings openly because of its semi-anonimity. Let them be, just because you don't use the internet for this purpose doesn't mean everyone else has to do the same.
Reply 9
Who is this Monkeyballs person anyway?
Oh My God Youre Just Like Me
lets wear a mask
Ive always liked the clown mask
Mad Vlad
Don't start Narb... I'm sure we've been over all of this before - some people find the internet to be the only place they can express their feelings openly because of its semi-anonimity. Let them be, just because you don't use the internet for this purpose doesn't mean everyone else has to do the same.

no really i was being serious, I really cant comprehend how someone can take opinions from a person over the internet because lets be honest they arent 'real people' and for all you know it could be Shrek saying all these things.
Reply 12
serious narb
no really i was being serious, I really cant comprehend how someone can take opinions from a person over the internet because lets be honest they arent 'real people' and for all you know it could be Shrek saying all these things.

Its still an attack on their character though, and to some people, their self esteem is so destroyed as it is that any negative comment can have a profound effect, even though its from someone that they don't know. Give her a break, yeah? :frown:
Reply 13
serious narb
no really i was being serious, I really cant comprehend how someone can take opinions from a person over the internet because lets be honest they arent 'real people' and for all you know it could be Shrek saying all these things.

Of course they are real, dont be silly. Just because they type their opinion doesnt mean it wont hurt peoples feelings.
Reply 14
Who is this Monkeyballs person anyway?

I'm assuming she means tis_me_lord who has a monkey avatar, and a few weeks ago said something vaguely mean on the subs forum. Bratcat has now found this (it was buried hundreds of pages ago) and got all upset about it, and what a few others (myself included) had said afterwards.

He only called you a boy because he didn't know - from your name it's not immediately obvious. It doesn't mean that everyone thinks you're ugly or stupid or male. I got called a man for 4 years at school. Yeah, it hurt for a while, but after that they just didn't mean it any more and were only saying it because they were used to it. Whereas TML didn't even mean it as an insult! The subsequent bit was insulting, but as has already been pointed out, it was weeks ago and nobody cares any more. Sorry you've got this upset over it, but it's really not a big deal.
A happy person is not that who has everything dear. It's whoever wants nothing.

Pretty people are craving for things they lack.

Human imagination is always running ahead of what a person can achieve.

That's why we are all the same.
Reply 16
I feel the same, to look at my reflection just depressess me. I absolute despise the way I look. I just want to hit myself and rip my face off.
However, if that is your picture in your profile you have absolutly nothing to worried about. Your gorgeous.
You are totally not look not manly but maybe greek or turkish more sunny european than stone cold english. I may be wrong..Strong features are something to be proud of! Some people are so insecure they think they'll feel better by being mean. I'm one for saying 'if you can't say anything nice...keep your mouth shut'... this guy (whoever he may be) is clearly a bit blind really. It's not his fault he can't see!

Tess xxx
Reply 18
You're so ugly that you want to die or take a knife and rip this hideous flesh away? And no one here talks to you because of that and yet you feel you've made a contribution. And Monkey Boy or whatever his name is calls you a 'he' and a 'tw*t' and his mentors all gather round to protect him because they agree.

What do you do?
Rip your face off?

Any contributions to my 'plastic surgery' fund.

his "mentors" do not gather round because they agree, they gather round because they and he are cowards and they don't want him to turn on them and face the same humilation you are, but they are too weak to stand up for you.

you have to be strong and not care. as hard as it sounds. go and find new friends - join lots of clubs and do stuff you enjoy and be happy. you'll get more confidence and he'll get bored, and everything will be better.
Reply 19
his "mentors" do not gather round because they agree, they gather round because they and he are cowards and they don't want him to turn on them and face the same humilation you are, but they are too weak to stand up for you.

Don't talk about what you don't know about.