The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Is this for undergrad or postgrad? I reckon Manchester would be your best bet.
Reply 2
Is this for undergrad or postgrad? I reckon Manchester would be your best bet.

thank you~and i forgot it is for postgrad
Reply 3
york..dont know why though just guessing
Reply 5
Out of the lot, York would probably be the worst choice for this course actually...
Reply 6
Out of the lot, York would probably be the worst choice for this course actually...

So you are seriously trying to give a prospective applicant advice to go to Reading as opposed to York? I am not saying Reading is a bad university, but the calibre of students, opportunities available and reputation is simply not up there with either York or Manchester. Personally, at least when I was in the university system York would have been the natural choice out of this bunch.
Reply 7
So you are seriously trying to give a prospective applicant advice to go to Reading as opposed to York? I am not saying Reading is a bad university, but the calibre of students, opportunities available and reputation is simply not up there with either York or Manchester. Personally, at least when I was in the university system York would have been the natural choice out of this bunch.

I'm specifically referring to the course Titus_Han has applied for. York is an excellent university, and may well be seen as a "better" university than the others he has applied to. But unfortunately for York it has a rather poor reputation in the quant sector, whereas universities like Manchester (and namely its business school) and Reading (namely the establishment of its International Capital Market Association (ICMA)) make them MUCH better choices for him, as they are more well known within the sector.

Given that the OP will be spending a lot of money for any of these courses (unless he has funding), choosing the course with the best reputation is vital.
Reply 8
Do not just go on what Krush has said. As far as employement opportunities, each course provides a good starting block and graduates from all 3 courses can be found in invesmtent banks, fund managers, studying for PhDs, etc.

Personally York does stand out from a mathematical perspective. Look through each course's content as each has a slightly different emphasis. Also books which have been written by York's lectureres are recommended by other MSc courses (Warwick and others).

If you are a home student then York also provides exceptional value for money compared to the other courses.

Also saying York has a poor reputation in the quant sector is not accurate, saying that is absolute rubbish!
Reply 9

Also saying York has a poor reputation in the quant sector is not accurate, saying that is absolute rubbish!

I take it you study at York or are planning to do so. Unfortunately it does have a relatively poor reputation in the quant sector, even compared to the other programs mentioned. Its financial maths masters, despite looking very interesting content-wise, is virtually unheard of in the City (I take it it's fairly new). I actually did consider York's program for my masters, but a headhunter (the most well known quant headhunter out there) referred to York as being "not too shabby but if you can get into a top program, do so." None of the programs the OP is considering are "top" but I would still consider Manchester and Reading as being relatively better choice than York.

If value for money is what one is searching for, Edinburgh is by far the best choice.
Reply 10
Its all down to different opinions, your HH might prefer other programs, but others might not.

E.g. Some banks love the CQF program by Willmot and others don't.

Fair enough York might not be as well known as Warwick, Imperial, Oxford, etc but getting an interview also depends on several other factors. (internship/work experience, PROGRAMMING skills)

Once you have the interview, it doesn't matter where you've studied, its what you know. And from that perspective York stands out compared to Manchester and Reading. The courses content is more mathematical and has a good 2 term C++ module.

Compared to the price of Manchester and Reading (and in my opinion most of the others) York wins hands down. (Unless you are loaded or have funding then Oxford or Warwick would be the best choice.) And content wise I do think York beats Edinburgh!

Yes I am going to York next year, there's no way I could justify paying the other Msc fees especially when I can live in York for free. What you doing Krush? Come to York you know you want to!!
Reply 11

Fair enough York might not be as well known as Warwick, Imperial, Oxford, etc but getting an interview also depends on several other factors. (internship/work experience, PROGRAMMING skills)

Once you have the interview, it doesn't matter where you've studied, its what you know. And from that perspective York stands out compared to Manchester and Reading. The courses content is more mathematical and has a good 2 term C++ module.

Compared to the price of Manchester and Reading (and in my opinion most of the others) York wins hands down. (Unless you are loaded or have funding then Oxford or Warwick would be the best choice.) And content wise I do think York beats Edinburgh!

Yes I am going to York next year, there's no way I could justify paying the other Msc fees especially when I can live in York for free. What you doing Krush? Come to York you know you want to!!

Indeed, I was particularly impressed by the content of York's course which is why I was considering it. Surprisingly qute a lot of C++ for a course so cheap (I notices that the more expensive the course, the more C++ there tends to be).

I abandoned the idea of doing financial maths anyway! Wanted a course which reflects my interests (applied mathematics in general, not just financial maths) though I am considering a career as a quant. Good luck!
Reply 12
Yeh same here, I am meant to be going to York next year, but might continue with Th Physics/Applied Maths instead as the need for quants and the future of structured products is quite gloomy at the moment. Good luck too.
York is a fantastic university.

Definitely don't go for Reading. . . That would be a mistake. It's simply not as good as your other offers.
Reply 14
a lot of misunderstanding here .

UG ratings are not relevant to specialist PG courses like these.

I am not from Reading but the I have worked in IB before and the ICMA structure looks far more professional than any of the other mentioned.
is Dominique that headhunter? just out of curiosity
Original post by Titus_Han

ive got offers from Manchester,York for Mathematical Finance and Reading for Financial Engineering
which uni out of these 3 do u think is the best in the course , social life and reputation.Thank you

100% Manch. no competition
Yes I think his name isn’t Dominic Connor. I mean yeah he’s the most famous without doubt then
Reply 18
Original post by Antonio Roldan
is Dominique that headhunter? just out of curiosity

2009 thread, now closed.

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