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Reply 1
Do you speak English?
What sort of bra are you looking for? What rpice? What size?

ps. please type properly.
Reply 3
Go to a proper bra shop (none of this debenhams or marks and spencer nonsense) and get fitted. The lady will then ask you about preferred fabric types and whether you want underwired or not etc. You'll then get a proper bra to fit you. I don't think you can recommend a make of bra to anyone, especially this anonymously!
Reply 4
Soz Ppl I Didnt Notice
I Need 2 Buy Some New Bra But Want A Diffeerent Type Does Anyone Know A Good Type Of Bra

VICTORIA'S SECRET VERY SEXY PUSH UP BRA!!! is a bra that I believe came from is the best bra in the entire world...dunno if u guys have Victoria's secret in the UK though...but its absolutely wonderful...

good things happen when u wear the Very Sexy Push Up Bra...u always get served first at Starbucks...

ahhh the power of boobs....
VICTORIA'S SECRET VERY SEXY PUSH UP BRA!!! is a bra that I believe came from is the best bra in the entire world...dunno if u guys have Victoria's secret in the UK though...but its absolutely wonderful...

Heidi Klum models for Victoria's Secret :smile:
Reply 7
Go to a proper bra shop (none of this debenhams or marks and spencer nonsense) and get fitted. The lady will then ask you about preferred fabric types and whether you want underwired or not etc. You'll then get a proper bra to fit you. I don't think you can recommend a make of bra to anyone, especially this anonymously!

i love my lingere lady at home!!! i'm a really awkward size (34e) and la senza et al are CRAP! i got some beautiful chantelle and marie-jo bras, they're sooo comfy and look absolutely lush on. :biggrin: bit expensive tho...
Reply 8
VICTORIA'S SECRET VERY SEXY PUSH UP BRA!!! is a bra that I believe came from is the best bra in the entire world...dunno if u guys have Victoria's secret in the UK though...but its absolutely wonderful...

good things happen when u wear the Very Sexy Push Up Bra...u always get served first at Starbucks...

ahhh the power of boobs....

i dont think we have it in UK... someone correct me if i am wrong?
Reply 9
Yea We Do Have Starbucks
No we don't have victoria's secret.

And at 34E try the Freya bras.....

Sorry about hugely long link!!
Reply 11
If you know what bra size you are go to

very cute well fitting bras for decent prices.

Edit: lol at post above.
Reply 12
She meant Victoria Secret:rolleyes:
i dont think we have it in UK... someone correct me if i am wrong?

I think you'll be able to buy it in the UK, certainly, but only off the net.
There are no Victoria's Secret shops in the UK.
Reply 14
She meant Victoria Secret:rolleyes:

thank you! :rolleyes:
seriously tho, i just got a load of new bras after losing some weight (came off the pill and dropped one cup size in one month!) and omg your clothes fit so so differently wearing proper bras. do not be stingy when buying bras. a well fitting bra will avoid backache and will make you look slimmer and better. all your clothes will fit better.

i recommend wonderbra for UK residents, gives a good uplift where needed.Gossard and Playtex are good too. Playtex make good smooth bras when you need the outline not to show through the clothes.i am told La Senza is good for very big sizes.

i also recommend any decent underwired bras, make the bust good support and nice shape. however, some people with smaller bust find the wire cut into them so try it on first.

do not buy padded bras for everyday wear under some clothes it looks really really bad.

marks and spencers do a good bra fitting service, but their cheper bras are crap

avoid moulded cup bras ('t shirt bras') as when they a get old, they mis-shape and look like you have 4 nipples. also, under t shirts and tight clothes, they show alot of bulgyness.

also avoid anything cotton or with thin pretty straps as they stretch out of shape after one wash. get good strong bras made of man made materials

try them on before u buy, and put a thin top on top to see the tru fit under clothes
Reply 16
I find cotton bras the best for comfort every day ones. If you handwash them they don't stretch out of shape at all if you get a decentish one.
Reply 17
There's nothing wrong with New Look! :biggrin:

I don't know if I'd ever pluck up the courage to go and get one fitted - I think I know what kind fits me and is comfortable etc.



M and S without a doubt! M and S for all underwear...although when i went in there today they had no sexy panties, only big granny ones!

Sorry if anyone likes big knics, i just don't like them/find them confortable!
Reply 19
I love french knickers lacy ones they are so much nicer than thongs. Can't stand thongs only wear them when absolutely necessary.