The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Manchester's social life is much better
Manchester do a scholarship, if you get AAB you get £1000 a year and AAA gets £1500 a year I think.

I had to make the same decision myself but with maths and physics.
My main opinion of Warwick was that it's quite secluded, but in itself quite nice with a large student union area, and the physics looked quite good. But it had to be Manchester because I like the city life, and the scholarships.
Had the same decision a year ago, choose Manchester and havent looked back since, its simply awesome here! Don't believe anything you read about either one of the courses being more prestigous, there is no difference at all and Manchester has a far better social life!
The location of Warwick is a real disadvantage and I have to say that the Manchester Physics department is excellent and doesn't really have a weak area as such. Either place would give you an excellent degree, but I might be tempted by Manchester a bit more.