The Student Room Group

Feel like the tag-along

I always feel like the tag-along of the group, and that no one really wants me there. I'm quite shy, so don't talk that much, especially in large groups. I used to be really confident, and i don't really know what changed. I tried organising a night out for later in the week, by text/facebooking this group of 'friends', most said no though, and those that said yes were like 'who else is going'. It's like they don't really want me there. I don't have any other friends, and its my final year of uni, with no more lectures/societies any more. I don't know what to do, i'm so lonely. I don't know why i'm writing this, guess just looking for some advice really. I've also recently broken up with my boyfriend, but no one seems interested or knows what to say - they don't really want to hear about it. :frown:
Reply 1
join some sort of sports group or club, where you do what you want to do. i'm almost certain you'lll find new better understanding friends.
Reply 2
join some sort of sports group or club, where you do what you want to do. i'm almost certain you'lll find new better understanding friends.

I meet these friends from a uni society, so we all have the same thing in common. Everything has kind of ended at uni now since it is Easter/exam time.
Reply 3
i feel the same way at uni sometimes, i don't have a lot of friends. But throughout the year, I have made like 1 or 2 good friends from societies. It wasn't really untill last week that i actually felt happy at uni, but now it's almost come to an end. At least your in your last year. Just make an effort to not be shy and talk more than usual.
Reply 4
I almost want to say what with it being your final year and being so close to exams, just don't worry about it? I don't think theres much advice anyone can give besides join stuff/join in/be confidant etc. If I was you i'd just try and intergrate with more people in your future job, uni is like 3 more months, nothing :smile:
Reply 5
I just wish there were opportunities to see them, but there aren't really anymore, not now uni has stopped. They probably get together but don't invite me to some things. Just wish i could get over the shyness and talk to them more.
Reply 6
well stop telling yourself your shy then! shyness is just an excuse, just talk to them, invite yourself to theirs if they wont come to yours. if you never say anything they probably think you're standoffish or not really interested in talking to them, get off your high horse and get on with it
Reply 7
Try to find a hobby, something that makes you happy.Do not value yourself how much others value you.Stay happy within yourself and realise your self worth.
Being left out by your friends is painful at any age and especially if you just broke up with your boyfriend . I am so sorry no one would like to be in your shoes . Most of my life I had fake friends and I was always left out and got humiliated but I thought that back then it was alright because friends can do that but it really isn't . Best thing to do in situations like these is take good care of yourself go join clubs and exercise . Crying also helps a lot , tears have special hormones that makes you happy. :smile: Go play games make virtual friends that can't physically and mentally break you . What I learnt that instead of chasing after people giving them more worth than they deserve let them chase you . Ask them why they are leaving you out ? Let them invite you to night out. I hope this helps I don't truly know you but you seem like really nice person with beautiful heart and reading your post felt like I wrote this I am actually facing a situation like yours but I am twin so I keep distant from people that use me and spend more time with my family (my twin)