The Student Room Group

floater in eye

Hi guys
For the last week or so, Ive noticed floaters and "dots" in my left eye. It sometimes goes away then comes back again later. I can usually see it when I look at something white, or the computer screen. I know floaters are nothing serious (unless accompanied by flashes of light) but how long do they last for? Ive had them before, but for only a day or so, but this one is lasting long. Any suggestions? Should I go see an eye doctor?
Reply 1
my mum also has this problem. she always has floaters. but shes talked to her optometrist and she said it was nothing to be worried about.
Reply 2
been bungee jumping recently?
Reply 3
I get this, sometimes i'm walking along and random purple dots/shapes will appear and move around, then change from purple to green, random colours, always vibrant though.

(im not actually taking the piss :eek: )
Reply 4
I dont wear glasses or contacts and the dots arent painfu and Ive never been bungie jumping. Ill see how it goes this week, then ill get it checked. Erk, I think you should go see an eye doctor because that doesnt sound right....
Reply 5
I dont wear glasses or contacts and the dots arent painfu and Ive never been bungie jumping. Ill see how it goes this week, then ill get it checked. Erk, I think you should go see an eye doctor because that doesnt sound right....

I sometimes get dots (well not quite dots) that seem to be floating. I think it's linked to problems of convergence of your two eyes. People who spend hours in front of computer screens suffer from this. Unfortunately when your work involves using computers almost constantly, it's hard to avoid.

I might be talking rubbish as I told my eye doctor about this and he almost didn't acknowledge it, as if it was nothing surprising considering the convergence/focus problems I have. I'm only assuming the two are linked.
Reply 6
Should i go to the doc? they don't hurt!
Reply 7
People who spend hours in front of computer screens suffer from this.

Well, that explains my floaters then... :biggrin:
Reply 8
Yeah i get those too. I have one in my left eye and none in my right but I find that stress, lack of sleep and using the computer for too long usually makes it worse.

It actually has very little to do with using the screen but they are just more noticeable when looking at a white background.

It is caused by 'hard' spots in the eyeball which is usually all soft tissue. There is nothing you can do about them because there is technically nothing wrong.

However, I do have one which was caused by using a MIG welder without a mask (not clever, rushing to complete A2 Resistant Materials project) so if you have done something similar that is where they would have come from.

I have had mine for about 3 years (except the MIG one) and they dont bother me anymore because its just one of the things you learn to live with.

God luck with the exams people :biggrin: