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Reply 1
It used to freak me out, but I've come to terms with it now :smile:
Reply 2
Am I the only girl absolutely terrified out of my mind at the thought of childbirth even though it's not going to happen for several years yet? :redface: :frown:

I am actually! I dont know if I can deal with that amount of pain :frown:

A thought which isnt good for me...
Reply 3
Its more the thought of actually looking after and raising a child that bothers me more, I'm terrified of them!!
Reply 4
I thought I was okay about it. Then I saw that foetus programme that was on a few nights ago. Aaaarrrgh. Stretchy stretchy.
Reply 5
I am actually! I dont know if I can deal with that amount of pain :frown:

A thought which isnt good for me...

Me neither, I have a really low threshold of pain... I was thinking how frightening it must be when your waters break and you know that you've got hours and hours of total agony in front of you... :frown:

Losing your virginity hurts badly enough, so I can't imagine how awful childbirth would be :frown:
I have two pregnant friends, one has 6 months to go, one has 7 weeks!
I have always been adamant that I would have kids, but I am so going off of the idea!
especially since I had a bit of a scare recently and was dreading the rest of my life.
I am terrifed of childbirth, and i agree with Eeyore about losing your virginity being bad enough - It's all mens' faults!
I'm dreading pregnancy plus being able to go to the bathroom afterwards :redface: it's going to hurt like hell. Then the toddler stage- has anyone seen that programme on itv (i think) where that little boy is completely off his nut, sceaming his head off. Jeez louise.
absolutely terrified.

In fact the whole idea of carrying something and then having to deliver it in a spectacularly painful way, only to leave me stretched and saggy has no appeal to me.

Its not just the pain'll strain so hard you can quite easily pee and poop in front of the medical team.

O, and sometimes the baby has taken its first poo whilst still in the womb (a particulary foul poo which is greeny in colour) so that gunk all spills out too

enjoy your precious time...
Reply 9
Yep. I worry about it quite a lot actually. I mean, i really want children some day but i can't handle pain at all. I don't even have my ears pierced because i'm afraid it might hurt (even though i've been told its not sore).
Its not just the pain'll strain so hard you can quite easily pee and poop in front of the medical team.

O, and sometimes the baby has taken its first poo whilst still in the womb (a particulary foul poo which is greeny in colour) so that gunk all spills out too

enjoy your precious time...

Wow. Thanks for that. Actually that pooing whilst still in the womb is quite dangerous. :eek:
Its not just the pain'll strain so hard you can quite easily pee and poop in front of the medical team.

O, and sometimes the baby has taken its first poo whilst still in the womb (a particulary foul poo which is greeny in colour) so that gunk all spills out too

enjoy your precious time...

:eek: ewwww! Right that's it, no babies for me.
I'm dreading pregnancy plus being able to go to the bathroom afterwards :redface: it's going to hurt like hell. Then the toddler stage- has anyone seen that programme on itv (i think) where that little boy is completely off his nut, sceaming his head off. Jeez louise.

that crazy kid on supernanny?
she is blooming amazing i have to say, how quickly she can turn around some of these kids is astonishing!
that crazy kid on supernanny?
she is blooming amazing i have to say, how quickly she can turn around some of these kids is astonishing!

yeah, supernanny. If i get a kid like that, i think i'd have to put him up for adoption.
I was interested in it recently, and came across this:

thought it was a load of crap until it used the example about how we're programmed to find a spider scary yet it can't really kill us.

Any thoughts, or is it just a scam? There must be an element of truth to it.
My sister inhailed her crap when she was born and choked on it, LOL.
Reply 16
My sister inhailed her crap when she was born and choked on it, LOL.

I drank some :redface: glad I don't remember that.
I drank some :redface: glad I don't remember that.

Ohhhhh dear. :eek:
Reply 18
Greedy me. No wonder I hate drinking now.
Reply 19
Greedy me. No wonder I hate drinking now.

:eek: lol!