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Reply 1
Please. :frown:
Reply 2
How far can we go over the word limit for the coursework tasks?
I've looked on the specification but I can't find anything.

is this as coursework? if it is i went to a thing a month ago where the examiners talked about it and you cannot go over the word limit (1500) at all. :frown:
Reply 3
I don't take English Lit myself, but a girl in my form was complaing that the teacher made her cut hers down to one word below the word limit - have no idea if sh'e on AQA though.

Hope that helps? :s
Reply 4
Thanks a lot people - that sounds like no deviance is permitted.
How many words do you want/have done?
Reply 6
ermm i did 3400 (400 words over), but a boy last year did 3500 and he got 17/20. My teacher hasn't said anything about me going over... But yeah it just depends on how much you've gone over.
Reply 7
oh my friend does A2 literature with AQA and im pretty sure she said her limit was 3500
she handed it in last week, not 100% sure that is what she said though. :smile:
Reply 8
This is for AS - the new course so I can't see them being lenient on the first year.
I have 1300 words, and I need to cut down to 1000...
Reply 9
Forget about word limits - it's progressive marking. Originally, my work was something like 5000 words and my teacher told me not to worry about it.
If its AS - 2500 words max (Or divided over two tasks)
A2 -3000 words max ( or 1,500 on two).

Our school refuses to accept those pieces that are over the word limit. We get 10% marks docked automatically if we submit a piece over the limit.
Reply 11
If its AS - 2500 words max (Or divided over two tasks)
A2 -3000 words max ( or 1,500 on two).

Our school refuses to accept those pieces that are over the word limit. We get 10% marks docked automatically if we submit a piece over the limit.

So for the 2500 words - I'm doing 2 tasks btw - could I do 1250/1250?
Reply 12
Ooh also, do quotes count towards the limit?
I know the exams have changed this year, but I'm doing A2 (old spec obviously) and my word limit was 2500 I think and I was about 150 words over. I think for my year courseworks could be up to 10% over the limit, or at least thats what I went on! In the past, even in GCSE, I lie if I have to get rid of a hundred words or so - they're not going to count it!
I'm also pretty sure quotes do count, so whenever I had to use them I paraphrased them as much as possible.
Reply 15
Of course quotes count! They ought to be embedded into your work anyway.
Well I'm doing AQA Lang/Lit B, and the limit is 2500 words. We are not allowed to go even 1 word over; apparently they scan the coursework into a computer which calculates the number of words used.
Reply 17
Ok im not going one word over now!Thanks for the help people :woo:
My coursework is almost double the word limit. No one's said anything as of yet, and my grades are good. However, I do have a 'back up' for one of my pieces which is 3,000 words alone, incase AQA say that it's too much. Both pieces together are ~4,800 words.
Forget about word limits - it's progressive marking. Originally, my work was something like 5000 words and my teacher told me not to worry about it.

Ditto. If it's an excellent essay all the way through, then my teachers say that there's no problem whatsoever. The word limit is usually there to stop people waffling aimlessly.