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Reply 1
I've already been suggested Davidoff perfume... any more that have pheremones in?
It sounds cool, apparently these chemicals automatically make the opposite sex attracted to you, sounds almost too good to be true!

it is.
Reply 2
Lynx effffffffffffffect
Reply 3
Yes mate. You should drown yourself in cologne. Women like that.
Reply 4
Lynx effffffffffffffect

which type, the new brown "instinct" one?
Reply 5
which type, the new brown "instinct" one?

All Lynx smells good tbh, each girl has a personal preference.
The best one IMHO is Africa.
Mmmmmm, freshly showered men in Lynx is olfactory heaven.
I suggest have a shower. Wearing ANTI PERSPIRANT under your arms. Then a couple off sprays of aftershave. I dont know what's best and nor does anyone else. I worked at Dior/Givenchy/Guerlain perfumes and cosmetics last summer and got given a thousand free bottles and most of them were useless.


Because you have to choose the right one for your skin.

Personally I like Guerlain (dunno what its called it's in a rectangular clear bottle) for sunny days as it's lighter, farenheit by Dior for the winter and the ultimate is Aqua di Parma's main perfume for any time. Aqua di Parma stink of class.

Just dont wear too much.

If you wanna find out what suits you go to a department store and tell them youre trying to find the right scent and get them to give you a spray for free. Make sure it's on your SKIN and not a tester card and rub it in. You need to see how well it reacts with your natural smells.

It's important to find the one that works for you. This is because you arent looking to smell of the perfume but of the perfume plus you. Men give off sexy smells. You dont want to drown that.
Reply 7
k cheers mate.
girls: apart from africa what do u find a turn on?
lynx Lynx LYNX LYNX LYNX LYNX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply 9
I've already been suggested Davidoff perfume... any more that have pheremones in?
It sounds cool, apparently these chemicals automatically make the opposite sex attracted to you, sounds almost too good to be true!

That's because it is, studies have shown that pheremones if they do have effects on us are very subtle, and certainly not related to sexual attraction, at least not in the way you would think. Until recently it was thought that the the area of the nasal passage that detected them the VPN, IIRC was vestigial.

I use whatever I get for Christmas, whether it works or not is a matter of debate.

Obviously if pheremones did have an effect then it would be better not to wear antiperspirant, or body spray/deodorant in the first place. :smile:

EDIT: I mean the VNO, Vomeronasal Organ.
Lynx. **** me. It's like a 13 year old's football party. Kk enjoy
Ann Summers - they do stuff like that for women, its worth a look to see if they do the same for men
Reply 12
lynx Lynx LYNX LYNX LYNX LYNX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i know - but which lynx!!!
its like asking a boy what turns them on and him saying "high heels!!!!!!!!"

Reply 13
Lynx. **** me. It's like a 13 year old's football party. Kk enjoy

lol well ur the expert having worked in the store lol.
recommend me some stuff.
and also with perfume, how many sprays do you need?
i'm so used to spraying lynx all over my body for around 7-8 seconds, but perfume i wouldn't want to waste with it being so expensive!
Wow yeah there's nothing more attractive than a man covered in Lynx. Thats how most couples get together you know, the woman smells the mans Lynx and is powerless to resist. Studies have shown that the scent of Lynx can actually make a womans clothes fall off, if you use enough. FACT.
Reply 15
Wow yeah there's nothing more attractive than a man covered in Lynx. Thats how most couples get together you know, the woman smells the mans Lynx and is powerless to resist. Studies have shown that the scent of Lynx can actually make a womans clothes fall off, if you use enough. FACT.

lol well tell me what stuff you like a guy to smell of then
Eugh, Lynx is so disgusting, just dredges up memories of year 8 changing rooms. :|
The only one that I think smells at all nice is the chocolate one (dark temptation?)
Then again I'm not a girl, so my opinion's not what you're after :P
Reply 17
lol well thanks obsessive. smelling of a chocolate must be a good turn on for girls actually :P

so any girls care to give me us guys some advice please?
Reply 18
lol well tell me what stuff you like a guy to smell of then

Bourbon and sweat.
Reply 19
lol well ur the expert having worked in the store lol.
recommend me some stuff.
and also with perfume, how many sprays do you need?
i'm so used to spraying lynx all over my body for around 7-8 seconds, but perfume i wouldn't want to waste with it being so expensive!

Two: one above the neck-line; one below.