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Unpaid bill for vodafone, what shall I do?

Basically I have an unpaid bill for a vodafone bill. This is because I didnt have sufficient funds in my bank account, so I have been charged £38 fee :frown:

So I went to the bank today to enquire as to how I should pay the bill...
They said I should call vodafone and pay them directly...
However vodafone claimed that the money has been transfered...
Called natwest again, and they said it will show on vodafones system, that the money has gone through, when in reality it hasnt...
Called vodafone again, explained my money couldnt have possibly gone through as there was not enough money in my bank account, to which the vodofone guy didnt know how to respond :mad:

So what shall I do, I dont want to inccur any more charges...
If Vodafone are claiming that you paid your bill, why are you arguing?
Reply 2
You could ask for a planned overdraft. You might be charged interest (unless it's a student account and you can get an interest free overdraft) but you won't get horrific fees for using it...

As for vodaphone, my advice would be to wait one week or so (enough time for them to realise the transaction didn't work) and then call them back and sort it out.
Reply 3
la fille danse
If Vodafone are claiming that you paid your bill, why are you arguing?

Because I actually haven't paid the bill, it just says on their system I have because its a direct debit. But Natwest says I have to pay it back asap or I will be charged further more... But I dont know when Vodafone will realise that the money hasnt gone through, but they will realise, its just a matter of how long it will take to show up on their system
Reply 4
You could ask for a planned overdraft. You might be charged interest (unless it's a student account and you can get an interest free overdraft) but you won't get horrific fees for using it...

As for vodaphone, my advice would be to wait one week or so (enough time for them to realise the transaction didn't work) and then call them back and sort it out.

Hmmmm, I think I'll prob do as you say and wait a week...
And hope Natwest wont charge me any more...

I thought direct debits were guaranteed payment?
Thus the bill will be paid as normal, your bank account will go into an overdraft, and you will have to pay that back into your account when you get money, and pay a charge to the bank for going overdrawn.

Just happened to me.
I noticed I didn't have enough money in my halifax bank account to pay my O2 bill, but couldn't do anything cos it was a weekend. So once monday came along, checked my account, and the money had gone through to O2. I have a £1000 overdraft, but was already £990 into it, so when the direct debit was paid to O2, my account went over the limit, so I've got a £20 charge for that (which I'm going to try to get refunded).
Reply 6
I thought direct debits were guaranteed payment?
Thus the bill will be paid as normal, your bank account will go into an overdraft, and you will have to pay that back into your account when you get money, and pay a charge to the bank for going overdrawn.

Nope, not guaranteed. The bank can choose whether to pay it or not. They'll charge you either way, though.
Reply 7
Thanks for the reply guys...

Just checked my online statement and it looks like the direct debit has set a date of April 14th to take my money out...

Hopefully I wont get any more fees...
Reply 8
Well is the money in your account?
Reply 9
Well is the money in your account?

Reply 10
then you have nothing to worry about unless you go out and spend it this weekend.
I had this problem with vodafone the other day. I had a bill for almost £70, and phoned them 2 months ago to arrange for the direct debits to come out on the 17th of each month, rather than the 1st, so coincide with pay day. only they still took the direct debit on the 1st, when i didnt have the money, and as a result put me over my overdraft limit, and I had to pay the fee. The next day, I received a text, to say the bill hadn't been paid and they were going to suspend my account. I called them again, and explained that despite calling twice to change payment date, they hadn't listened, and even though they took the money, why were they suspending my account. Apparently they took the money, and the bank took it back - and charged me for it taking me over my overdraft. It took me 5 advisors to get this information - don't give up with vodafone, if you persist, you get good service.

Result was - vodafone refunded me the overdraft fee onto next months bill - oh and paper bills for me to pay by cheque in the future! As far as I'm concerned - I win :smile:
Reply 12
Original post by EDCE88
Basically I have an unpaid bill for a vodafone bill. This is because I didnt have sufficient funds in my bank account, so I have been charged £38 fee :frown:

So I went to the bank today to enquire as to how I should pay the bill...
They said I should call vodafone and pay them directly...
However vodafone claimed that the money has been transfered...
Called natwest again, and they said it will show on vodafones system, that the money has gone through, when in reality it hasnt...
Called vodafone again, explained my money couldnt have possibly gone through as there was not enough money in my bank account, to which the vodofone guy didnt know how to respond :mad:

So what shall I do, I dont want to inccur any more charges...

Hi I have exactly the same situation. So how did it go? Did you pay the bill?
Reply 13
Original post by vodafone
Hi I have exactly the same situation. So how did it go? Did you pay the bill?

Please dont bump ancient threads. If you wish to ask a question please create a new thread.