The Student Room Group

Can you stand "perfectly" still?

Last sunday, I was in church and for some strange reason, I started observing people. During the part of the mass where people were meant to stand, no one could stand perfectly still.

What I found funny was the range of movements people made while they were suppose to be standing upright (swaying, near dancing e.t.c).

My bro claims that the guards at Buckingham palace can stand "perfectly" still. A friend claims that they use a special technique (something about their calves) to remain still.

As far as I know, death is the only way to remain perfectly still (obviously not standing).

Why is this? Can anyone stand perfectly still? If they can, how long can they stand perfectly still before they begin to sway?
Reply 1
I just tried, and I started swaying at five seconds and nearly fell at around fifteen...dunno whether that's cuz I'm thinking about it or not - I've never noticed it before.
Nope, especially not after i've been drinking like now.. i'm all over the place! :p:
Reply 3
Ha nope, couldn't make it to a second. I have an un-naturally bad balance though.
Reply 4
Yep, you're looking at the East London Musical Chairs Champion, 10 years running :yeah:

But seriously, I can stand perfectly still for about a minute...
Yep, you're looking at the East London Musical Chairs Champion, 10 years running :yeah:

But seriously, I can stand perfectly still for about a minute...

I challange you!
Nope, i realised this the other day when i had to stand whilst someone sat in my seat at college; i just can't seem to stand still. My balance is atrocious, i just start swaying slightly and then changing my weight to each leg, and i swear i slightly shake too. I wander what i'm going to be like in 50 or so years.
Reply 7
I think they must practice it, there's martial arts like Tai Chi where you have to stand perfectly still etc
I think it depends how fussy you're going to be...
There's an experiment with a ruler and a rubber you can do to show how much you wobble (not sure who thought that one up lol). Wiggling your toes inside your shoes helps I think (and stops you fainting). I went to my brother's Air Cadets parade and they all had to stand bolt upright for two hours... after 45 minutes they were dropping like flies.
Reply 9
To keep upright, many many muscles in your body need to contract. Any slight change in the balance of one muscle contracting and its opposite muscle (antagonist) contracting will lead to movement.
You don't even stay still when you sleep! Also, staying in one position for a 'long' time is bad for the body, so it will always make you move unless you have amazing, trained self-control.
Yep, you're looking at the East London Musical Chairs Champion, 10 years running :yeah:

But seriously, I can stand perfectly still for about a minute...

Another challenger here
I challange you!

Another challenger here

I promised never to musical statue again, since... last time... :hide:
Reply 12
It's supposed to take some insane number of muscles just to stay standing still. If I'm not thinking about it I'm sure I still move, but when I think about it I sway like mad and lose my balance!
Reply 13
I can do it for like 10 seconds, tuck your butt in and use your calves and thighs to move out, should be balanced.

But it aches after a while so i guess they must be trained or something.
Reply 14
I can't because I get bored and feel the need to sway.
Apologies for the necro-post, but just thought I'd share one of my recent experiences of standing perfectly still. :h:

After watching this: (the music video for 'Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now') and seeing the parts where Grace Slick acts like a mannequin, yesterday, I placed a bet with one of my friends which I luckily won, where I stood perfectly still with arms out and bent slightly for 30 seconds. Needless to say, it was a rather uncomfortable thing to say the least. :doh: