The Student Room Group

The Great Kids TV Shows from the 90's!! ...

Does anyone remember the great kids shows from the 90's??

-fun house
- the queens nose
- round the twist
- headmaster
- get your own back
- 50 -50

i was just having a dig into my memories of being a kid... and i must say these shows rocked!!...

and although this isnt a kids show, it was a drama of some sort...
-sunset beach!.. what a classic!

If anyone has anymore, share them with us please... it always makes me smile! :smile:

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Reply 1
fun house
having lots of fun
prises to be won
its a real loas of fun
Reply 2
+ kenan and kel
Reply 3
Are you afraid of the dark?
Smtv !! =d
I dunno about those, but as far as cartoons go,

Dexter's Lab
Cow and Chicken
Ren and Stimpy
Hey Arnold

Some seriously good **** in there
Full House :smile:.. Although that's not really a kid show, haha
Reply 7
Sonic, the original series.
Reply 8
Dexter's Lab
Jonny Bravo
Scooby Doo
Kenan and Kel
Sister Sister

I could go on.
This just reminded me of going round to my friends house after primary school, we'd watch CITV and then this really bad soap, think it was called Shortland Street? and have smarties and angel delight. Ahh the memories. I used to know the CITV number off by heart because they had a really annoying jingle that got stuck in your head.
Also Live and Kicking on a Saturday, my Year 5 class got a letter read out on the show and we all thought we were really cool! lol
Im also eternally jealous of my boyfriend as he got to go on Diggit when he was about 11!
Reply 10
yess... all thosee shows mentioned abovee are GREAT too.. how could i forget about nickelodeon!!!.... they had some of the greatest shows!! :smile:
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
ORIGINAL pokemon
Super Mario Bros Show
Fun House
Dexter's Lab
Wacky Races
Scooby Doo
Kenan and Kel
Round the Twist
Johhny Bravo
Cow and Chicken

I want to be 5 years old again :frown:
Dexter's Laboratory
Kenan & Kel
Hey Arnold
To be honest the 90's was the best for animated TV shows, the current ones on now just don't cut it :mad: nowhere near as good as they used to be, end of an era.
Does anyone remember the great kids shows from the 90's??

-fun house
- the queens nose
- round the twist
- headmaster
- get your own back
- 50 -50

i was just having a dig into my memories of being a kid... and i must say these shows rocked!!...

and although this isnt a kids show, it was a drama of some sort...
-sunset beach!.. what a classic!

If anyone has anymore, share them with us please... it always makes me smile! :smile:

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes!!!

Art Attack... Bernard's Watch... Live and Kicking... SMTv Live... Grange Hill... Sooty & Co... Power Rangers... Finders Keepers... heck even Zzzap lol...

TV during my childhood was good and I feel sorry for kids growing up today as they have nothing.
it was all about doug on nickelodeon
Reply 15
A kid from my class was on Newsround with Leezo once before :awesome:

You've got me feeling all mushy and nostalgic now XD
Reply 16
real monsters
live and kicking was like a religion for me :smile:

haha, I watched too much tv as a kid :tongue:
Nickelodeon was just the best, kids tv isnt the same anymore!
Reply 17
This thread has sent me on a major trip down Memory Lane!
The 90s had epic shows- Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon especially.
I heard Trouble went off the air last week as well?

But yeah, shows like:
Doug, Hey Arnold, Rugrats, Recess, Dexter's Lab, Clarissa, Sabrina, Sister Sister, Live and Kicking, SMTV, Sharky and George, Fun House (I always wanted to be on that show!!!), Goosebumps, Round the Twist

and my personal favourite... Bernard's Watch. :nods:
to name but a few!
Reply 18
real monsters
live and kicking was like a religion for me :smile:

haha, I watched too much tv as a kid :tongue:
Nickelodeon was just the best, kids tv isnt the same anymore!

zzzap!! the comic book-like show? and wizardora! i used to watch those after school!! :biggrin: Good times!

Nickelodeon was an EPIC channel! I went past their head office in London recently, its amazing, seriously.. Whatever happened to kids tv these days? It's really lame!
I remember way too many of these shows you're all posting :biggrin: Kids telly in the 90's was amazing. I loved Ducktales, Animals of Farthing Wood, Bump the Elephant and Bananaman to name a few.