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Reply 1
If you're me, at least four years.
Reply 2
Get your wisdom teeth removed instead?
Reply 3
If you're me, at least four years.

Same here. Bloody nuisance.
Get your wisdom teeth removed instead?

Nah, they're not painful.
Reply 5
Get Cape.Wear Cape.Fly.
Nah, they're not painful.

They might become painful at a rather inconvenient time though, like in exams!:eek:
They might become painful at a rather inconvenient time though, like in exams!:eek:

maybe...but for the past two or three years, i've suffered from ridiculously excrutiatingly painful toothaches so im hoping that's the worst it can get? lol

excuse my spelling btw, im so tired. :o:
Reply 7
Get Cape.Wear Cape.Fly.
maybe...but for the past two or three years, i've suffered from ridiculously excrutiatingly painful toothaches so im hoping that's the worst it can get? lol

excuse my spelling btw, im so tired. :o:

Hmm. My wisdom teeth just made it impossible for me to chew anything, because the wisdom tooth at the bottom would be 'chewing' the gum on top. Anyway, there's no benefit to keeping wisdom teeth, so might as well remove it at a time when you're free/ need a break.
Reply 8
about 3 years
Reply 9
Hmm. My wisdom teeth just made it impossible for me to chew anything, because the wisdom tooth at the bottom would be 'chewing' the gum on top. Anyway, there's no benefit to keeping wisdom teeth, so might as well remove it at a time when you're free/ need a break.

A good dentist will not remove wisdom teeth if they don't look like they're going to cause trouble, because they're the most difficult teeth to remove, and there are more risks to their removal than other teeth, including nerve damange to the tongue and jaw.

Don't suggest that the OP can just "have them removed cause there's no benefit". It's like saying that everyone should have their appendix removed just in case you get appendicitis.

I'd like to point out at this point, that I've had all four of my wisdom teeth removed as they were impacted.

OP, my top ones came through in about 6 months, my bottom 2 never stopped coming through, but crashed painfully into the tooth next to them. I do suggest getting them checked out just in case.
A good dentist will not remove wisdom teeth if they don't look like they're going to cause trouble, because they're the most difficult teeth to remove, and there are more risks to their removal than other teeth, including nerve damange to the tongue and jaw.

Don't suggest that the OP can just "have them removed cause there's no benefit". It's like saying that everyone should have their appendix removed just in case you get appendicitis.

I'd like to point out at this point, that I've had all four of my wisdom teeth removed as they were impacted.

OP, my top ones came through in about 6 months, my bottom 2 never stopped coming through, but crashed painfully into the tooth next to them. I do suggest getting them checked out just in case.

I was actually thinking of getting my appendix removed! =X
I have a feeling they are already formed 'grown' however they dont always surface in many people. Usually, if your teeth are likely to surface, it will have happened by your early twenties, otherwise its unlikely they will ever be visible.
I expect your teeth will become fully visible soon. If not, I'd go see the dentist, as long as they arent sticking out sideways , you should be fine.
If you're me, at least four years.

:'( Oh noes!! I hope mine don't take 4 yrs
I'd like to know this as well. Two months ago I was in excruciating pain and I could barely eat because of them but now the pain's stopped and I don't even know if it's growin or not.
Reply 14
i felt my first wisdom tooth starting to come through on Christmas Eve, and it seemed to be coming down quickly at first. Now though, it's slowed right down and isn't through much further than it was in January, so I think I may be one of the '3-4years' people.

None of the others seem to be doing anything yet - is this normal, or once one's starting to come through should the others come soon after?
Reply 15
about a year for mine
Okay, my six month estimate was an understatement lol. I've got one poking out of the gum (at first I thougt it was a sharp crisp and tried to pull it out :|) and I've got another just under the gum, I can feel it's poke. So one-four years here I come...
Mine's been growing since I was 16 and all it does is grow a little each year but not enough to cause pain however this year was absolute hell. My gum was infected and it somehow tore and I couldn't eat or talk.
I've just realised I remember mine poking through when I was 17 and I'm now 21 and they've still not fully come through. My right hand side ones are about to touch together and the left hand side are just sitting doing nothing.

Teeth take 9 years to fully grow in your jaw btw :p:

In America if your wisdoms don't erupt by 21 they take them out, whether they're causing problems or not! The risk of permanent numbness is less than 1%, although 10% experience temporary numbness.
Reply 19
All 4 of mine started erupting about 4 or 5 years ago, the top 2 have almost entirely come through but the bottom two seem to have stopped at the stage where the gums have split open and I can partially see the crowns of them which is kind of annoying due to keeping the areas clean. I had quite a bit of paint which would last a couple of days every few months, occasional swelling around the TM Joint and the odd infection - i'd recommend a chlorhexidine based mouthwash like corsodyl to help prevent or clear up any infections caused by wisdom teeth, works a treat.