The Student Room Group
Hi, I did Atonement coursework and got a pretty comfortable A. From memory the main critics you'd want to look at are Frank Kamode, Brian Finney and John Mullen. I used Finney mainly. :smile:
Reply 2
AO4 is literary connections, meaning the connections, similarities and differences across varying texts that were written in the same time period or set in the same time period. AO5 is critical interpretations, this would include critics, reviews, academic journals, critical interpretation (Marxist, Feminist, Psychoanalyst, Queer, etc ie critical lenses).If you're looking for AO4, then compare with the play Arcadia, or with the novel My Antonia, you can even compare it to The Great Gatsby if you want to.If you're looking for AO5, you can search up critical interpretations of any kind. I'd recommend 'Briony Through Her Own Eyes' - Lund University, Sernham, as it considers the three different Briony's that are presented within each part of the novel. Feel free to search for anything you want, you don't even need to reference specific critics for AO5, you can focus on critical interpretations (the lenses mentioned above)