The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Never been to Aberdeen uni but I have firmed Stirling uni. Doing MSc Social Work. Start in Feb.
Chose based on what you think is the best uni for you. I had a few offers and chose Stirling as it fitted what I wanted from a uni etc.
Good luck.
Aberdeen's psychology department is meant to be one of the best in the world...I'm an Aberdeen student, but study history :smile:. Also, the new alzheimer's drug that's being tested was developed at Aberdeen, so the psychology department may have some involvement in that? No idea, but it's a possibility.

The psychology department at Aberdeen also has its own building and a lot of experiments going on (often paid) which you can participate in...just generally seems to be a very active department, and as I mentioned has an excellent reputation...I sat in on a few lectures in my first year (now 3rd year), and enjoyed them :smile:.

Any other questions, feel free to PM me :smile:
Not the authority on Aberdeen, but I am currently finishing my first year at Stirling University, doing a joint degree in Psychology and Biology.

I have to say the Psychology department at Stirling is amazing. The department was given the highest possible rating during its last teaching quality review and all psychology degrees (even joint degrees) are approved by the British Psychological Society (BPS), so when you finish your degree your automatically eligible for registration with the BPS, which is necessary for further psychology training. So that's a bonus.

The Psychology department is well known for the quality of its research and you'll participate in research studies conducted by fourth year students and staff during your degree, which is fun but also really interesting as a psychology student. If you take Psychology as a single honours, you also get to carry out your own research study in fourth year, with help from staff.

Personally, it's a really great place to study, both the teaching and the campus itself. The lectures are really interesting and you cover many different areas of psychology (especially in first year) so if you do get bored with a certain area (i.e. social psychology) you only have to put up with it for a few weeks before you start something different.

You should check out for some student opinions of the department and university, and you can find out more about the degree in general there too.

Hope that helps.
If you've got any questions about first year I'd be happy to answer them.
Reply 4
Aberdeen. It has a better rep and a better ranking if you want to focus on that which I don't recommend. You should tyhink about what you want from your experience at uni... good city? Aber. Ehh I cant think of anything good about Stirling and I have been many times.... nice place for a day out but thats that.
Reply 5
Strling are know for being very good for social sciences. Lovely campus too.
Reply 6
Aberdeen definitely has a better "status" but i went to aberdeen last year an hated it. i dropped out two months in. This is of course my experience as loads of people go and love it. Everyone i know who has gone to stirling is loving their life there. Has to be your decision really :biggrin: x x x
Reply 7
How far away are you? I'd definitely recommend a visit.

I was going to go to Stirling before I withdrew and went to Aberdeen..

Stirling is a little out of town so you probably need to get the bus to go to town but to be honest most people get the bus in Aber when going out... Aberdeen's far north and about 2 hours from Glasgow/Edinburgh compared to an hour or so for stirling.

Aberdeen is and old university so obviously you have the pretty buildings etc but reputation wise I think they're reasonably equal bar the perceived qualities of age.

Definitely, Definitely think you should try and visit because so much of it is based upon your own personal feel about the place.
Aberdeen deffo...Although IMO a degree in psychology is pretty pointless. Not great job prospects at the end. That's jus my opinion though so obviously just do what you want...
Reply 9
Aberdeen deffo...Although IMO a degree in psychology is pretty pointless. Not great job prospects at the end. That's jus my opinion though so obviously just do what you want...

Listen, idiot features don't try and dictate to someone whether you think a degree is good or not, if she's doing it it's obviously something she's interested in and chosen to study!
chill pill!
Aberdeen deffo...Although IMO a degree in psychology is pretty pointless. Not great job prospects at the end. That's jus my opinion though so obviously just do what you want...

I think a degree in Psychology or even just the basics in Psychology benefits anyone in any job they go on to do.
I did my undergrad in psychology & doing my Masters in Social Work & all the jobs I have had in the care sector have benefited by my understanding and knowledge of how humans functions.
I think your comment shows a lack of understanding in the area and maybe that's something you should work on. :wink:
Reply 12
Had the same dilemma. I have chosen Stirling because of its UK ranking in the Psychology department (it is slightly better than Aberdeen's). However, Aberdeen is ranked in the top200 universities in the world and has a great reputation, so idk. The City of Sitrling is nice though
Reply 13
Original post by D.Rush
Had the same dilemma. I have chosen Stirling because of its UK ranking in the Psychology department (it is slightly better than Aberdeen's). However, Aberdeen is ranked in the top200 universities in the world and has a great reputation, so idk. The City of Sitrling is nice though

Of course, they're now just finishing off third year wherever they ended up so it might be a little late.