The Student Room Group

Taking the Pill without a week break

Is it dangerous in any way to take more than one pack on the pill in a row without the 7 day break for your period in the middle? I know you can do it once or something say if you're going away or whatever, but how much harm would it do to you if you did it all the time?

I took two packs together as was away over the week i should have been on my period, and just wondering how often you can do this. I'm not planning on doing it all the time or anything, just wondering about the effects it has on the body.

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Reply 1
Make sure you read your pill packet. I know my friend is on a brand of the pill where you can't run any packs together.
i only do it occasionally... like if I'm going away, or i did it as I was due the day I was gonna take my driving test...

I've only ever taken two packs together, and I've had no ill effects from it at all.
Asides from calcium intake is there anything else to consider?
I don't think it's dangerous. I did it when i was on the pill... when i had big plans which my period could not be a part of... :rolleyes:

Just don't do it too often though.
Reply 4
I've been running packs together since I was 17 (on the assurance of my GP) and have now been period-free for 3 years. Bliss.
Reply 5
I think the maximum on some pills is running three together, so you'd only have four periods a year. If you're doing this, you need to take calcium and also be very wary of any extra clotting-related risk factors. As always, read the label first though.
Reply 6
Really?? On what brand.
When I was on dianette I was told under no circumstances to run more than two packs in a row together. you are not even advised to be on some pills for 3 ys let alone be on them constantly without the breaks.
Reply 7
Let me get this straight....if you run two packets together you don't have a period, AT ALL??!!
Why didn't I know this?
You just carry on taking the next packet like normal...?
Reply 8
It depends on your brand of pill make sure you check the packet. There is definitely at least one where you can't do that.
Also with the progestogen only pill you carry on taking the pill without a break but still have a period.
Reply 9
I'm on Microgynon 30.
Anyone else on this one?
What do you think about it? Have you taken it without a break before? Any side-effects?
Reply 10
Really?? On what brand.
When I was on dianette I was told under no circumstances to run more than two packs in a row together. you are not even advised to be on some pills for 3 ys let alone be on them constantly without the breaks.

Meh, I can't remember, this was when I was working for the gynaes in the summer, used it as a treatment for menorrhagia. Can't remember which brand
Reply 11
Oh I used to take that I think you can run the packs together but i'm not sure how long for I was only on it a few months and i think i only did it once.
I ran two packs of ovranette together with no ill affects
Reply 13
yeah - no side effects. I ALWAYS took 2-3 packs in a row.

I came off after 2 years because i had iffy hormones though. [not nec pill related, apparently]

God that pill gave me mood swings. I took it in my first year of uni and came off it in the summer because it gave me raised blood pressure and they could hear a heart murmer and the next term my friends didn't believe i was the same person because I was so much less weepy and mopey and moody. Stupid sodding pill!!
Reply 14
Hmm. I'm finding it OK! I've been on it about 4 months now and I've had no problems (touch wood). My period is now regular, far less painful and lasts 4 days instead of 8, so I'm not complaining. :biggrin:
Reply 15
Oh also I gained a stone on it, never stopped spotting.
It was not a good move.
I think that one was the worst one I tried. Just didn't agree with me but it obviously agrees with some people or they wouldn't make it.
I was put on Marvelon by my doctor for a year and then when I went to see a different doctor she put me on Ovranette. Apparently because Marvelon has the highest chance of being associated with cancer and seeing as cancer runs in my family it wasn't exactly a wise thing to put me on. :rolleyes:
Reply 17
I was put on Marvelon by my doctor for a year and then when I went to see a different doctor she put me on Ovranette. Apparently because Marvelon has the highest chance of being associated with cancer and seeing as cancer runs in my family it wasn't exactly a wise thing to put me on. :rolleyes:

Reply 18
Really?? On what brand.
When I was on dianette I was told under no circumstances to run more than two packs in a row together. you are not even advised to be on some pills for 3 ys let alone be on them constantly without the breaks.

That's scary, as I was on Dianette at the time (have just switched to Yasmin)
Hmm. I'm finding it OK! I've been on it about 4 months now and I've had no problems (touch wood). My period is now regular, far less painful and lasts 4 days instead of 8, so I'm not complaining. :biggrin:

I have been on it now for 5 years(microgynon 30) i have had no problems at all with it and have run 2-3 packs together at once a few times throughout the five years and no problems either. Just don't do it often though to be on the safe side.