The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
I prefer Nestle eggs, for the actual egg. Otherwise, give me Lindt any day.
A Nestle egg with small Lindt Lindor eggs would be heaven.
Reply 2
Flake... tbh everthing except caramel, which is obviously why all my relatives have bought me caramel eggs *sigh* :rolleyes:
I got a baileys one :coma:
Reply 4
Ones in ma belly!
I didn't get any :frown:
Reply 6
i didnt get any. i had mine like a few weeks ago cuz yeah tesco were selling off woolworths stock so egss were super chea[p and i cant save them for mylife. i like a white egg or like creme egg. i think the worst egg is dairy milk because the egg is the same as the chocoluate bar
Reply 7
Dad woke me up this morning with a handful of Easter eggs :P Thorntons, Crunchie, Lindt mini eggs and Creme eggs (not all from him). I'm quite taking to the Lindt ones.

:coma: :coma:
Reply 8
lindt's too smooth

probably some expensive chocolate, dunno what!
Lindt ones :heart:
I'm currently eating a Green and Blacks egg. Its very yummy. And :coma: to the baileys egg.
Reply 11
Not an egg but still nice:

Reply 12
Not an egg but still nice:

I <3 those
My favourite egg are the creme eggs - I could eat a couple of them at a time :drool:

I also like mini caramel eggs.
My favourite egg are the creme eggs - I could eat a couple of them at a time :drool:

I also like mini caramel eggs.

I've eaten like 3 consecutively, the inside stuff gets sickly, but I love it :yep:
I like them all.

I wish Kinder released Easter eggs. :coma:
Reply 16
I got a baileys one :coma:

Mmm I'm hoping for a Bailey's one from the boyfriend! :p:
creme egg :smile:
I like them all.

I wish Kinder released Easter eggs. :coma:

They do, you can get massive Germany though :frown:

I got a Lindt bunny but I've already eaten it. Going to make some fairy cakes with mini eggs on them :cool:
I got a huge Lindt bunny.

So good. I don't want to touch it though.