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Reply 1
Anything with 100's of calories and sugar - basically everything that tastes nice!!
Reply 2
sweets, fast food stuff etc.
Reply 3
you want to think about food groups really.
Carbohydrates can sometimes be viewed as bad foods. I try not to eat too many of them. I've put on a stone since the begining of last year and I know that I eat far too many carbs because of having to restrict the intake of other things.

Obviously high fat foods aren't good. Almost anything thats greasy.

Just eat at least 5 portions of fruit/veg a day, drink a couple litres of water, have balenced meals so not all meat or all carbs etc. Generally eat healthily and you won't need to worry about foods making you fat.
Reply 4
Anything that tastes nice. Too many people are self concious about what they eat. Just make sure you do some exercise and don't eat excessively and you'll be fine.
not prtualy foods it could be a fat virus that could make u fat virus called SMAM-1.
Reply 6
Reply 7
What about pasta?
Reply 8
Foods dont make you fat, the amount of total calories you eat a day determines whether you put on fat or not.

Fat has 9calories per gram
Carbohydrates 4 calories per gram
Protein 4 calories per gram

It doesnt take a genius to realise therefore that you can eat twice as much carbohydrates in grams as you can fat for the same amount of energy.

Make of that what you will..
nothing makes you fat, you eating and not burning off the calouries makes you fat
a liposuction machine set to "reverse"

Reply 11
Icecream! Which is why I eat as much as possible :biggrin:

The amount of weight you gain is caused by the amount of food you eat JUST as much as what it actually is. If you want to diet, be sensible about it, and don't get hung up about how much you weigh. There are more important things in life than how many kilos you weigh. :smile:
Icecream! Which is why I eat as much as possible :biggrin:

The amount of weight you gain is caused by the amount of food you eat JUST as much as what it actually is. If you want to diet, be sensible about it, and don't get hung up about how much you weigh. There are more important things in life than how many kilos you weigh. :smile:

why do you have a pic of Anne Frank as your avatar?

Food makes you fat. Any food can. Beware.
Reply 14
No Future
Food makes you fat. Any food can. Beware.

as can small fluffy animals. avoid them at all costs...
as can small fluffy animals. avoid them at all costs...

i think they avoid you
Reply 16
i think they avoid you

most probably! most breathing mammals do... :frown:
Reply 17
All foods make you fat.

Stop eating.

most probably! most breathing mammals do... :frown:

wheres the confidence? wheres the arrogance that you so love? wheres the izzy from the "there are nice guys" thread"?
Reply 19
I'm pretty sure if you stuff yourself with something that's got carbs/fat in it, you're going to get porky.

The trick to eating is not to cut out these food groups, but to just moderate your intake.

Although if anything most people don't eat enough carbohydrates (especially starchy and fibrous foods). What tends to make carbohydrates 'fattening' is the addition of oils and the like for preparation and serving. The Food Standards Agency recommends that a third of our daily food intake should be made up of carbohydrates.