The Student Room Group

early baby

i was a premature baby i was born 3 mounths early so i was in the worm for about 6 mounth insted of 9 because i was born early i was not fulley developed i have a condition called a crossbite

they think that why i have a very bad Dyslexia im now 19. i was born in Febuary i should have been born in May
when i was born my weight as 1kg about the same as a bag of sugar i was in an incubator for 6 mounths i could of died at any time. :confused:

was any one else born early or were u born late or on time let me know thanks

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Reply 1
I was born early too; and weighed a mere 2lbs 10oz at birth; I apparently had to be resuscitated twice and was kept in for a while. I think that fact that both my parents fascistly smoked while I was in t'womb has affected me in some ways.
I was born 6 weeks early, but then I am a triplet.
Reply 3
i was 1kg which is = 2.2 lbs
Reply 4
i was born on time :biggrin:
I was on time but I'm a twin so it's slightly earlier than most births.

Reply 6
Think I was slightly late..
Reply 7
I was born a month or two early, my sister who is younger than me was born about three or four months eary. She was in Hospital for about 6 months after she was born.
my sister was born early cos the docs got her months wrong, so when she was born she didnt have any finger nails or toe nails or eye lashes or hair, and to top it off my dad got her b day wrong on the cirtificate lol
and my niece was born a month early but she was ready cos she was bigggg and ha loads of hair
Reply 10
I was 2 days late. 7lbs 12oz.
Reply 11
I was one day early, and i weighed 9 pounds.

My other sisters weighed 9.5 pounds and 8.5 pounds.

I dunno why my mum wanted to keep on having children!
Reply 12
I was born 6 weeks early, but then I am a triplet.

Same here! :wink: Funny, that...
Same here! :wink: Funny, that...

lol, very good guys. - I can't remember who the other one is - is it historyhoney?

Reply 14
lol, very good guys. - I can't remember who the other one is - is it historyhoney?


Lol, you're close! :biggrin: It's HistoryStudent... :wink:
Reply 15
I was on time but I'm a twin so it's slightly earlier than most births.


Is your twin a member on TSR too?? :smile:
Reply 16
Two weeks late, and I was the biggest baby in the entire hospital :biggrin:
Is your twin a member on TSR too?? :smile:

he's a member (Historian) and he's made a couple of posts on the cam forum.

Reply 18
3 weeks late :biggrin:
Reply 19
i believe i was born the week i should have been.