The Student Room Group
Reply 1
happens to me sometimes :\ I have a cup of tea ^_^

I think I've already had too much coffee. Only 100 more pages to go before sleep

Reply 2
Why have you been reading for soooo long? Personally i can't read for long periods of time, i get sleepy.
Reply 3
I've been reading for 19 hours out of the last 24. Now my head hurts :frown:


:eek: that is insane!

I assume you have an exam like tomorrow or something if you are putting in those hours?!
Reply 4
:eek: that is insane!

I assume you have an exam like tomorrow or something if you are putting in those hours?!

no, my exams are in a few weeks and the books aren't really relevant - just for fun. Because of the exam system at my uni all I have to do is pass anyway.

the hurting head is a sure sign the head is beginning to take on a square book shape....
God, I can't read for more then about 20 minutes before I get bored. I just can't eait until the chapter ends and I can stop. :redface:
Reply 7
God, I can't read for more then about 20 minutes before I get bored. I just can't eait until the chapter ends and I can stop. :redface:

Same, unless it is a good book :smile: and books that i ahve to read for english are never that great :frown:
Reply 8
God, I can't read for more then about 20 minutes before I get bored. I just can't eait until the chapter ends and I can stop. :redface:

The most I have read is about 5-6 hours straight. That was reading a fiction book though...for academic things, 1-2 hours is the most I can do at any one time!
Reply 9
In term time I get through about a book a day (normally takes about 6 hours).

Reply 10
In term time I get through about a book a day (normally takes about 6 hours).


Academic books?
Reply 11
Academic books?
