The Student Room Group

Should I??

ok heres the deal...

Ive been with my bf joe for about 3 months now and its going really well, we're both really happy together BUT out of the blue a few days ago i got phone calls from 2 of my exes, one after the other (what is this, some sort of conspiracy?! lol- they don't know each other). One of the guys i went out with for 2 years and broke up with just under a year ago now and he was my first love and broke my heart so it was really strange talking to him again but we ended up having a really long convo n felt like the mates we had been before we went out which was really good. so when the other guy phoned i was in a good mood n we chatted for ages. Now this 2nd guy i haven't seen in over 2 years but he suggested meeting up sometime just to "catch up". Only prob is that my new bf seems really paranoid about my exes, if they're ever mentioned even v briefly then he gets really jealous and ive tried reassuring him that they don't mean anything!

so anyways, duno if im making any sense, im rambling- been drinking a tad too much wine methinks! :smile: do you think i shud meet up with my ex? or will my bf get too upset about it??

cheers Ali xxx
Reply 1
If you really care about him and you know it's going to upset him, then I wouldn't, especially if you want this current relationship to carry on going well.
Reply 2
If you say your ex's don't mean anything and you know it would hurt your boyfriend then why would you? He would be more hurt if you did it and didn't tell him.
Reply 3
meeting them is a bad idea.
ok heres the deal...

Ive been with my bf joe for about 3 months now and its going really well, we're both really happy together BUT out of the blue a few days ago i got phone calls from 2 of my exes, one after the other (what is this, some sort of conspiracy?! lol- they don't know each other). One of the guys i went out with for 2 years and broke up with just under a year ago now and he was my first love and broke my heart so it was really strange talking to him again but we ended up having a really long convo n felt like the mates we had been before we went out which was really good. so when the other guy phoned i was in a good mood n we chatted for ages. Now this 2nd guy i haven't seen in over 2 years but he suggested meeting up sometime just to "catch up". Only prob is that my new bf seems really paranoid about my exes, if they're ever mentioned even v briefly then he gets really jealous and ive tried reassuring him that they don't mean anything!

so anyways, duno if im making any sense, im rambling- been drinking a tad too much wine methinks! :smile: do you think i shud meet up with my ex? or will my bf get too upset about it??

cheers Ali xxx

1. You KNOW your boyfriend wouldn't like it at all.
2. You say that your ex-boyfriends don't mean "anything"

Assuming your boyfriend does mean something to you so why upset him for something that doesn't mean anything? Seems a little pointless...
Whatever you do, don't meet up with them without telling your boyfriend. Bad bad bad idea.

It's vare rare to not feel anything for an ex. You obviously were attracted to them in the first place and had strong feelings for them. I'm not saying that if you met up with them anything would happen or you'd want it to, but just be careful.

I can understand you wanting to meet up with them. It's obviously been a long time and you have catching up to do. If friendship is all it's about on both sides, then I don't see any harm in it. Just make sure your boyfriend is OK with it first.