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About the same as finding love anywhere else... Maybe a tad higher seeing as you'll be surrounded by a higher propencity of like-minded people...
Reply 2
Haha i did... but then blew it when i used to get sooo drunk and they got fed up of me sending drunken texts every night! haha
u know i've always sought that answer
define "their love".
Haha i did... but then blew it when i used to get sooo drunk and they got fed up of me sending drunken texts every night! haha

You're like so cool.
Met my boyfriend within the first two months of uni. I've been with him since then, so its been about a year and a half. We're still very much in love. Uni does give you A LOT of opportunities to meet people, compared to where you live at home possibly, or when you start work.

Make the most of it!
Reply 8
Erm... well if statistics are to be belived 70% of Durham graduates marry other Durham graduates.... so pretty damm high
Erm... well if statistics are to be belived 70% of Durham graduates marry other Durham graduates.... so pretty damm high

I thought that was St. Andrews... Or is it both?
Reply 10
Erm... well if statistics are to be belived 70% of Durham graduates marry other Durham graduates.... so pretty damm high


It's because we're all so beautiful.
My cousin met a medicine student at her university and they went out for over 5 years but they eventually split up as he wanted to put his career first, apparently.
Reply 12
Erm... well if statistics are to be belived 70% of Durham graduates marry other Durham graduates.... so pretty damm high

It's because we're all so beautiful.


Edenr, you game?
Erm... well if statistics are to be belived 70% of Durham graduates marry other Durham graduates.... so pretty damm high

damn inbreds
Reply 14

Edenr, you game?


I'm game.
Nill pwoah! . . .

People always say ''its at Uni you find your true love'' . .. bullocks is it! lol . . . .Haven't found bugger all and I can't see it happening tbh.
I'm engaged to what I *believe* is my "love". We've been together almost a year and a half, and got together within the first semester of first year.

I still think it's probably the same as finding your love somewhere else, though :smile:.
Erm... well if statistics are to be belived 70% of Durham graduates marry other Durham graduates.... so pretty damm high

I've heard this more than once before, and still refuse to believe it. It can't possibly be right. :s-smilie:
Nill pwoah! . . .

People always say ''its at Uni you find your true love'' . .. bullocks is it! lol . . . .Haven't found bugger all and I can't see it happening tbh.

Oh dear! Well, I left school to work...only to find out everyone I worked with probably weren't the right people for me (Approaching pensioner age/parents age/Have issues/Generally *****). I thought there was more choice at college than at the workplace. so decided to apply back to uni. I'm soon to be 21...I hope you're not joking!
Hate to state the perfectly obvious, but it's different for all :smile:.