The Student Room Group

Skin - All your skincare questions answered

following the excellent Hair2 thread, i have made this thread to discuss skin.any mild probs like acne, oiliness,face packs,tanning/bleaching, dryness,peeling etc please feel free to post in here for (hopefully) good advice. anyone with expert skin advice please help me out as well.

if you have any severe probs please do not post here, go and see a doctor.

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I set off a C4 explosive on my face about an hour ago, it really stings. :frown:
Reply 2
following the excellent Hair2 thread, i have made this thread to discuss skin.any mild probs like acne, oiliness,face packs,tanning/bleaching, dryness,peeling etc please feel free to post in here for (hopefully) good advice. anyone with expert skin advice please help me out as well.

if you have any severe probs please do not post here, go and see a doctor.

I will pop in and help with this :smile:
Reply 3
Alright guys, can I be your first patient?!!
I'm currently on Dianette for my skin, and although it's really helped I might have to come off it soon and I'm worried my spots n stuff will come back.. which I'd be very upset about!
Does anyone know of any ways of keeping your skin clear and just.. healthy!? Or products to use, or anything?
It probably sounds like I'm paranoid but having bad skin made me really depressed so any advice on how to generally improve the condition of it now and if I have to stop taking the pill would be greatly appreciated.
Great thread idea - many thanks in advance!
Reply 4
Alright guys, can I be your first patient?!!
Does anyone know of any ways of keeping your skin clear and just.. healthy!? Or products to use, or anything?

apart from daily care i do a peeling and a gel mask (both once per weeks) - and it helps!
Reply 5
Alright guys, can I be your first patient?!!
I'm currently on Dianette for my skin, and although it's really helped I might have to come off it soon and I'm worried my spots n stuff will come back.. which I'd be very upset about!
Does anyone know of any ways of keeping your skin clear and just.. healthy!? Or products to use, or anything?
It probably sounds like I'm paranoid but having bad skin made me really depressed so any advice on how to generally improve the condition of it now and if I have to stop taking the pill would be greatly appreciated.
Great thread idea - many thanks in advance!

try and eat 5portions of fruit and veg a day and try to drink 8glasses of water daily too. First points which help keep skin clear :smile: .

what type of skin do you have?


Did you feel the spots were hormonal that they landed only around your time of the month or did they just appear anytime?
Reply 6
try and eat 5portions of fruit and veg a day and try to drink 8glasses of water daily too. First points which help keep skin clear :smile: .

what type of skin do you have?


Did you feel the spots were hormonal that they landed only around your time of the month or did they just appear anytime?

I had them ALL the time but they got worse at that time of the month.. as is to be expected I guess!?
Fruit and veg, and water are good tips, thanks; I have a good diet but that's always worth bearing in mind!
My skin's very very sensitive, it used to be oily but is dry since being on the pill..
I'm so difficult!
The body shop do a *really* good face mask. It's excellent for dry skin. I think it's called honey and oatmeal or something, but it's like spreading porridge on your face. You leave it on for 15 mins and then wash it off. It doesn't dry, so it's really gentle for sensitive skin. It cleanses, exfoliates and moisturises. Definitely give it a try. I think it's £6.50.
Reply 8
The body shop do a *really* good face mask. It's excellent for dry skin. I think it's called honey and oatmeal or something, but it's like spreading porridge on your face. You leave it on for 15 mins and then wash it off. It doesn't dry, so it's really gentle for sensitive skin. It cleanses, exfoliates and moisturises. Definitely give it a try. I think it's £6.50.

:biggrin: Excellent, I'll give it a go.. thankyouuu!
As long as it won't give me spots again, lol
Yeah this sounds like a useful thread pour moi :wink:! I hate bad skin. A lot. When mine is bad, it makes me feel very very miserable, especially in the sun which highlights it :frown:. It's not too bad atm, but tis erratic, especially since I was put on the pill for my periods (which are a nightmare) ; the alterations in my hormones are crazy.

Unfortunately, I have REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEALLY sensitive skin; as in, I am allergic to absolutely every skin product apart from Organic Cleanser, which is only really to take your makeup off and clean your face.

Anyone know how to get rid of blackheads? I get them sometimes and I really hate them
:biggrin: Excellent, I'll give it a go.. thankyouuu!
As long as it won't give me spots again, lol

It won't give you anything. It's ultra mild. Spots are caused by hormones, clogged pores and irritation. This stuff will just deep clean your skin really, really gently.

Oh, and if you fancy going home-made, every once in a while, it's really good to put honey on your skin. Honey was once used by the Romans to help heal wounds, as it's a natural antiseptic, and it's also really moisturising.
Reply 11

toothpaste - some say it works but it leaves really dry skin after it.
clearasel (however u spell it) - mangages to give you more spots.
Oxy Daily Face - dosent do a great deal, leaves dry skin.
antiseptic cream (savlon) - not really, makes ure skin feal greasy during the day.

The best thing, which has been said is to drink lots of water and have a healthy diet.

When a spot has a white head then dont squeeze, the white stuff is the antibodies fighting against the infection of the spot, if you squeeze here then the infection isnt defeated and will therfore come back.

If the spot is yellow then squeeze it using two pieces of toilet paper and then wash after.

Blackheads...the bastards! run a flanel under HOT water then put it against the area, this raises the pores making them easy to squeeze.

What i am trying at the moment is to wash my face with dove soap to get rid of oil and dirt, then use antiseptic gel (i didnt like the cream, like savlon) use whitch hazel doctor antiseptic gel and apply a light layer of moisturiser.
Sounds something like a women would do, but i'm depseret lol.

I heard someone say that applying lemon juice to your face before you go bed and washing it off in the morning is good, but i havent tried it myself. All i know that lemons are good for is when you put sum lemon juice in water and drink it i the morning before you eat as its sposed to remove toxins from your body. :confused: lol

Tried toothpaste, weirdly enough - so abrasive it burned lol!! 2 sensitive. They're such a bugger, the only things i get more regularly and can't seem to dispose of :mad:
Try dabbing witch hazel directly onto the spot with a cotton bud. I've heard Sudocrem is also meant to be good (the white cream you put on babies' bums!) - my best friend swears by it.

Extreme temperatures are also good. If you can get to a sauna, do, and make sure you drink plenty of water to rehydrate you. You can buy facial steamers for under £7 in Superdrug, which work really well because you sweat all the crap out of your pores. Use one of those, then close your pores quickly afterwards with an astringent lotion, and then moisturise. Or alternatively, in the shower, just spray your face directly with really hot water, then switch to cold, then back to hot, then cold again, etc. Really gets your circulation going and brightens your skin no end.
DONT USE TOOTHPASTE!!! the lady who does my facials says its horrible for you cause it's incredibly harsh ...and well..its made for ur teeth not for ur face!!!
Rose water is a really good toner if you have slighty dry skin. I use a witch hazel toner cause my skins a little oily.
Alright guys, can I be your first patient?!!
I'm currently on Dianette for my skin, and although it's really helped I might have to come off it soon and I'm worried my spots n stuff will come back.. which I'd be very upset about!
Does anyone know of any ways of keeping your skin clear and just.. healthy!? Or products to use, or anything?
It probably sounds like I'm paranoid but having bad skin made me really depressed so any advice on how to generally improve the condition of it now and if I have to stop taking the pill would be greatly appreciated.
Great thread idea - many thanks in advance!

I've been put on dianette too, after oxtytetracycline didn't work... I'm just over half way thru my 2nd pack of pills, but it doesn't really seem to be having any effect, i know i can't expect miracles but when did you first start noticing a change? I really hope these pills work cos otherwise ill have to be referred to a dermatologist, who'l put me on sume stuff that makes skin, mouth eyes etc really dry... and i wear contacts and play a brass instrument so really really don;t want that!!

I've found that my skin is better in the summer when the sun's been on it.. and when ive been on the sunbed too - but its a rather expensive spot prevention method!
I've been put on dianette too, after oxtytetracycline didn't work... I'm just over half way thru my 2nd pack of pills, but it doesn't really seem to be having any effect, i know i can't expect miracles but when did you first start noticing a change? I really hope these pills work cos otherwise ill have to be referred to a dermatologist, who'l put me on sume stuff that makes skin, mouth eyes etc really dry... and i wear contacts and play a brass instrument so really really don;t want that!!

I've found that my skin is better in the summer when the sun's been on it.. and when ive been on the sunbed too - but its a rather expensive spot prevention method!

Don't use a sunbed! It's the worst thing for your skin ever! If you must have a tan, buy it in a bottle. A fake tan is the only safe tan there is. You will age about a million times faster if you use a sunbed. Would you rather have darker skin and fewer spots now, but look like you're 40 when you're 30, or would you rather hold onto your youthful looks for longer?
I dont use it a lot, just a week of so before i go on hol or before a ball or something like that... and its only a few mins at a time.. don't think that'll age me too much. Besides i think it;s safer than sunbathing, cos you can control the amount of time you spend exposing yourself... especially in the stand up ones... when you're outside sunbathing, you often can't feel what the sun is doing to your skin until the evening when it's red raw! At least with sunbeds you have a little at a time and don't burn.
Reply 18
I've been put on dianette too, after oxtytetracycline didn't work... I'm just over half way thru my 2nd pack of pills, but it doesn't really seem to be having any effect, i know i can't expect miracles but when did you first start noticing a change? I really hope these pills work cos otherwise ill have to be referred to a dermatologist, who'l put me on sume stuff that makes skin, mouth eyes etc really dry... and i wear contacts and play a brass instrument so really really don;t want that!!

I've found that my skin is better in the summer when the sun's been on it.. and when ive been on the sunbed too - but its a rather expensive spot prevention method!

Yeah don't worry that you've seen no difference yet. I didn't notice any change for a good 3/4 months n it made me quite dispondent.. I've been on it for about 8months now and it's cleared my skin up so well, and it was dreadful before. Give it about 5 packets and you should really notice an improvement!
That's great, thankyou!! just what i wanted to hear!