The Student Room Group

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Is that still on?!
I enjoyed it when I was younger :smile:
I used to love this show!! Awww I would never have wanted to be on the receiving end of that gunge though, yucky! Musta taken ages to get it out of their hair!!
Ah the good old days, get in from school, get changed, stick GYOB on and laugh at how ridiculous Dave Benson Phillips is. Good times.
check out the presenters official website, lol
Reply 5
Haha. I used to love this show.

I even wrote a letter and my dad found it in my bedroom drawer and binned it as it was about getting my own back on him. :biggrin:
Reply 6
when i was a kid, i remember thinking, "oh my god, what are these kids doing? don't they know that once the cameras are off, those adults are going to beat the crap out of the them?"
Reply 7

What do you think of this clip?
The child is also hanging above the gunge.
Imagine dipping your feet in that gunk?
Reply 8
Lol i loved that show when i was younger!
Reply 9
Awesome show! :woo:
Reply 10
i wish i could have had the chance to get gunged like that! :biggrin:
Life was much simpler in those days, I took it to easy then to be honest.
Reply 12
Nah, the best gunge-themed show was Run the Risk.
gunge was so 90s
Reply 14
How would you feel sitting above that gunge?

I would be nervous!
I loved watching it after school :biggrin:
Reply 16
Best gunge show on TV?

That's Fun House man :hmmm:
Reply 17
I saw this being filmed once...
Reply 18
I saw this being filmed once...

Wow! What was it like?
Reply 19
Wow! What was it like?

Kinda surreal! Haha the studio was really tiny and a bit dark and scary! Loads of blood-thirsty (or gunge-thirsty?!) kids shouting!