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Reply 1
My dear, there's a recession going on. You can fly away to the east and be a high profile translator or something. He could be struggling to get a job for ages. We're in no shortage of lawyers.

Don't feel inferior. Academic ability isn't everything! How's the normal conversation?
Reply 2
My dear, there's a recession going on. You can fly away to the east and be a high profile translator or something. He could be struggling to get a job for ages. We're in no shortage of lawyers.

Don't feel inferior. Academic ability isn't everything! How's the normal conversation?

Well of course normal conversation is fine. But I just never have any encouragement from anyone I know that the degree I am doing is worthwhile. Is it *actually* realistic to find work abroad, that pays well? This sounds really pathetic, but although I am an intelligent person, I feel instantly stupid around people studying law/medecine.
i have the same prob my gf, straight a's going to med skl and then there is me (ok year below and all) but im going to get like b's and c's and maybe scrape an A if i actually start to try... but either way some of the things she comes out with i have to double take or ask for an explanation due to its well above me. :frown:
But then on second thoughts i love the challenge of someone being more intellectual than me so i enjoy testing myself against her, even if i do lose most the times... i think the main question is do you love him? if the answer is yes then this shudnt matter, he chose u for a reason... :wink: dw about it just keep with ur course (unless you dont enjoy it) and im sure if u tested him on ur subject then he wouldnt stand a chance so dw... JUST ENJOY LIFE AND STOP THINKING ABOUT LIL THINGS LIKE THIS
You're being a damfool. You've equated intellectual inferiority with academic inferiority; an error. If there's no issue with conversation then I see no reason to be concerned. Yes, his university and degree may be of a higher prestige. He may have a more flavoured and richer pool of options when he graduates. But: why does it matter?
Reply 5
Jealousy will get you nowhere, if you want to do something then do it. Don't sulk over it.
Well of course normal conversation is fine. But I just never have any encouragement from anyone I know that the degree I am doing is worthwhile. Is it *actually* realistic to find work abroad, that pays well? This sounds really pathetic, but although I am an intelligent person, I feel instantly stupid around people studying law/medecine.

It's perfectly normal to feel intimidated by such well known "academic" subjects. On the other side, your boyfriend probably feels envious that you are studying a foreign language because really, everybody wants to speak at least one foriegn language fluently.
Foreign Languages > Pishy subjects like Law.
Reply 8
This is a normal feeling for a girlfriend to have. Don't worry.
This is a normal feeling for a girlfriend to have. Don't worry.

i feel like this all the time, esp now revision has started. my bf and i are both medical students, and he knows sooo much more than me and can pick things up much easier and quicker than me. i actually feel like i'm getting more stupid!

i guess there's nothing you can do except change the way you feel about the situation. you chose those subjects because you enjoy them. you shouldn't base who you are and what you do on your bf's life.
Reply 11
Foreign Languages > Pishy subjects like Law.

I don't want this to descend into a debate about foreign languages vs. law.

The problem is that the languages I am studying are quite ''out there'' and not very standard like French, Italian, Spanish, German etc.
Reply 12
i feel like this all the time, esp now revision has started. my bf and i are both medical students, and he knows sooo much more than me and can pick things up much easier and quicker than me. i actually feel like i'm getting more stupid!

i guess there's nothing you can do except change the way you feel about the situation. you chose those subjects because you enjoy them. you shouldn't base who you are and what you do on your bf's life.

I also feel like I am getting more stupid, the more I am around him! I'm just wondering whether it is worth continuing the relationship if it makes me feel this way. Maybe I should talk to him about it?
I don't see how your degree is any less impressive than his. In fact, I'd say it was more impressive if anything because studying a foreign language, particularly a far eastern one is very hard and I admire people who can do it. It's certainly more interesting to hear about than the zillions of people puffing their chests out as they announce they're studying law.
Foreign Languages > Pishy subjects like Law.

I don't want this to descend into a debate about foreign languages vs. law.

The problem is that the languages I am studying are quite ''out there'' and not very standard like French, Italian, Spanish, German etc.

How is that a problem? Companies are always in need of people who speak "exotic" languages.

Also, if you can speak one of the "hostile" languages (Arabic, Chinese, Russian), then you're basically given a job with MI5 or MI6.

Also, if you can speak one of the "hostile" languages (Arabic, Chinese, Russian), then you're basically given a job with MI5 or MI6.

I don't really see how this causes a problem.
he's better than you academically, and your probably far better than him at other things.

your partners never going to be equal to you in all respects. just accept it and move on?

and going to a better uni doesnt mean that he WILL have a better job future than you. my mum went to oxford, my dad went to sheffield. and my dad earns like 2 or 3 times as much as my mum :/
Reply 18
How is that a problem? Companies are always in need of people who speak "exotic" languages.

Also, if you can speak one of the "hostile" languages (Arabic, Chinese, Russian), then you're basically given a job with MI5 or MI6.

My tutors at university said a lot of students who actually graduate like to apply to government. I personally want to try GCHQ, as I'd be able to directly use my language skills. I still feel crap though.
Reply 19
We were in the same program together before I transferred into a program I enjoy more but is "less prestigious" than my original program
As long as you are studying something that you will enjoy doing for the rest of your life I'm sure he will be happy

Just remember that he's with you for a reason that is probably not academic but who you are