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Reply 2
Yep, all the time. I get the best results when I work under pressure :top:
Reply 3
i did a 2000 word essay once on the morning of the day it was due in. Quite impressed i managed it too. Im currently doing a lab report thats due in tomorrow oh the joys.
Reply 4
Yep, all the time. I get the best results when I work under pressure :top:

This. Luckily, our history teachers this year were clever/kind enough to set us a series of deadlines for when drafts were to be handed in which meant it was not all left to the last day.
Reply 5
Don't worry chap, so many uni students do exactly the same :smile: I'm like that and i expect i always will be :biggrin:
Reply 6
I need to hand in tomorrow 3 pieces of A2 English Lang/Lit cwk totalling 3500 words. So far, I have done 1 piece which is 1500 words. I'm ****** :frown:
Sometimes. Yesterday I left a piece pretty late and found out I didn't even need it :/
Reply 8
I've finished university now, but in my entire time there I never finished a piece of work with less than a week to go to the deadline, unless it was group work and so out of my control.
At school, I handed in a piece of work almost two years late, though.
Reply 9
I do.
I'm sat here writing a 3000 word essay that's due tomorrow.
So far i have 299 words. I've had the whole easter holidays to do this yet here i am, 24 hourse before the deadline :frown:
Is anyone else as feckless as me?
Whats the closest to the deadline that you've left your work untill, and does it ever turn out well?

Wow, and here was me thinking that waiting until I had two weeks to write 2x 3000 word essays was pushing it.

No I don't really leave it until the last minuite. If I have a 1500 essay I sometimes do it the day before but thats as late as I would ever go. A girl on my course and in my block in halls, she often finishes essays at 6.45am the DAY of the deadline and then goes home to sleep. I could never do that.
Reply 10
Yes and its almost always my best work.
back in school i started both my 2500 word politics and 3000 word history coursework on the monday and handed them in on friday while going to all my lessons and doing other homework. it was a really ****** week, lol.
I do it all the time and I hate myself for it. The closest I've left it is past the deadline.
Reply 13
Yes, That's when I do my best work!
I just stayed awake 36 hours to finish my dissertation for uni and handed it in just on time yesterday - it adds a bit of excitement to one's day you see :-)

I think I've only ever handed something in before the deadline once or twice in my life hehe
Reply 14
I go by the theory "if you get your work finished over 24 hours before the deadline you aren't a student" - it's my excuse anyway. Seriously though, very little of my work gets done early - but it all gets done and usually without problems.
Reply 15
Yes, That's when I do my best work!
I just stayed awake 36 hours to finish my dissertation for uni and handed it in just on time yesterday

You are an inspiration! :yep:
I've finished two 5,000 pieces of assignments, which are both due in on the 5th of May!! One is completely finished, and the second one I'm just going over before printing it... and due for submission tomorrow.

I might as well finish them both so I can fully concentrate on the group assignment which is also due in on the 5th :smile:
Reply 17
Every. Single. Time.
I've not yet had any coursework projects but everything (essays, harmony exercises, piano practice for lessons) is always last minute. Once only started writing an essay 2 hours before the deadline: got it in on time and my tutor seemed to think it was good! :yeah:
Reply 19
I have to hand in my ICT coursework tomorrow and I haven't finished it yet.

Still have about 3 hours of work to do to get it finished, and I have to go to work now till 11o'clock. So I have to sit up and do it through the night