Language and letter writing are some of the most powerful things in my life.
When I was unjustly treated by a rather unintelligent p.e teacher at my school who just so happened to be my form teacher too, I wrote him a long calm letter when I really really would have like to slap him, and Im not generally a violent person ( I shant bore you with the details, but he would have deserved it, and could have been sacked) well, he corrected his mistake, although there was no appology, and Ive done the same often since if I feel I might take more foolish action otherwise.
I also enjoy writing an online journal every day, and at greater legnth in a diary, and have done since I was 7. I havent got the world greatest memory, so I enjoy having something to look back on.
I believe that language is one of the most powerful and theraputic tools at our disposal, particually written language, and I believe writing letters to be one of the most superiror forms of communcation.I write letters weekly to a boy I like in London, and I enjoy it.
Ive never really had trouble writing thousands of words at a time, and can write emails of epic proportions when theres a lot to say to a person. Written Language is my vent, my way of cooling off, easing pain, sharing happiness and preserving some of it for some future time. When I read back through my journals I expect my words to be able to recall to me a shadow of how I felt at the time, or they are not effective enough.
good thread

i like it muchly.