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Reply 1
He probably can't believe he's being kissed. :awesome:
He's probably on some other forum saying "Sometimes I open my eyes when kissing to catch a glimpse of her expression and her eyes are always open!! What's going on??? Doesn't she like kissing me??"
Have you seen that film with Freddie Prinze, Jr. and Julia Stiles?

Don't worry about it.
Reply 4
hate to point out the obvious but if you can c him kissing you then that means your eyes are open, maybe your kinda both doing the same thing, checking if the other persons eyes are open?
My boyfriend does this to me sometimes just to wind me up, properly staring me out!
Pretty sure he'll be into it though, maybe he's making sure nobody sneaks up on you and spoils the moment?
Reply 6
That is actually scary.....
I was kissing someone once and I opened my eyes and saw him having a glimpse at the TV, I was like "oh you were SO into that kiss weren't you!" Haha, good times :smile:
Reply 8
:teeth: He's watching you!
He's making sure there aren't any Ninjas about

Lol how strange, imagine you both did that, how awkward.
Reply 11
Some people prefer their eyes open! :smile:
Reply 12
<(". )>
He's making sure there aren't any Ninjas about


Even if there were any, he wouldn't be able to spot them.
strange if he always does that, but now and again meh, wudnt bother me, im very comfortable with my bf and he knows me better than i know myself reli so whatever goes
Reply 14
Maybe he's checking to see you're enjoying it :smile: Or you had your eyes open at the same time?

One of my first ever kisses, the guy wanted us to keep our eyes open the whooooole time and it freaked me out big time.
<(". )>
He's making sure there aren't any Ninjas about



[You have to watch out for the cheeky so and so's]

BUT, maybe he just prefers it OP? I wouldnt necessarilly say it is because he is less into it tbh.
Why does having your eyes open mean you're not as into it?
Who started the whole thing about closing your eyes anyway?
Reply 18
If it bugs you so much - screw up your face or go cross-eyed next time he tries it! I'm sure he'll learn his lesson! :smile:
I was kissing someone once and I opened my eyes and saw him having a glimpse at the TV, I was like "oh you were SO into that kiss weren't you!" Haha, good times :smile:

My ex used to watch tv instead of kissing me. so rude.