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A level Subjects and Engineering


I'm doing my AS levels at the moment and looking to apply for a mechanical engineering or aeronautical course in a few months, and was looking for information on limitations that might arise due to my subject choices.

My subjects are Mathematics, Physics, ICT and English. It's very likely that I will drop English at the end on this school year, and will be left with the other three. I understand that Further Maths is preferred for engineering, however I don't think I'll manage even an AS in that next year. My main concerns are the ICT A level (suitability/desireabiltiy), and the lack of further maths. Say I was to achieve ABB-AAA, how much will I be limited in choices due to my third subject (ICT), and my lack of Further Maths?

I've tried searching but cannot find exactly what I'm looking for,

Thanks for any help.
Reply 1
Im going to start a degree in Civil Eng this Sept but I did a small amount of research into mechanical before I chose what I wanted to do. Maths and Physics should get you into almost any university for any mechanical engineering course, though better uni's may ask for an A in Maths. The third subject isnt usually too much of a consern to them and tbh due to the high level of IT in any engineering subject these days, that should be fine. the only one that I have seen courses not accept is "General Studies."

I think the only place where Further Maths may be required/ strongly reccomended is the likes of Oxford or Cambridge tbh.

ABB Would get you into an ok university. AAA Would get you into a very good university (assuming good interview etc if required.)

Good luck.
Reply 2
Whilst ICT probably wont work in your favour, it will just serve as another grade that you have, the fact that you have an AS in english may make you stand out as a lot of people doing engineering cant write to save their lives.

If you could manage to do an AS in further maths that would certainly help. But I reckon Physics and Maths will probably surfice for most places.
Hmm, I would exchange ICT for either FM or Chemistry, but that's just me.

If you go to the best unis, I think you'll tend to find 3 or 4 maths/sciences including Further Maths as standard.

You could possibly tie the ICT in with some kind of CAD, but I think that might be pushing it :P

What places you looking at to do MechEng?
Reply 4
Thanks for the replies :smile:

Hmm, I would exchange ICT for either FM or Chemistry, but that's just me.

If you go to the best unis, I think you'll tend to find 3 or 4 maths/sciences including Further Maths as standard.

You could possibly tie the ICT in with some kind of CAD, but I think that might be pushing it :P

What places you looking at to do MechEng?

Unfortunately I can't really exchange any of my subjects, as I'm almost done with the first year.

I haven't really looked at specific unis to apply to - but dependant on results in August, hopefully ABB-AAA standard universities. I was/am a bit worried about the expectations of those universities when it comes to subjects, however.
Reply 5
You wont have any problems with unis of the Loughborough Cardiff Nottingham Manchester rank. If thats what you are aiming at than you will be okey. If your goal is Imperial Cambridge (probably Southampton and Bristol) you will struggle to compete with all the other great applicants unless you have outstanding additional stuff to add to the application like work experience
Reply 6
ICT isn't really recommended for Engineering, but make sure you do do 3 A2's. Try learning some FM modules, at least you can put that in your PS.
I didn't want to start a new topic so I thought id post this in here, how much a chance do I stand at places like Imperial or Bristol/Southampton etc. with alevels in Maths, Physics and Biology and AS levels in Further Maths and Law.

Will not doing Chemistry and only doing Further Maths to AS put me at too much a disadvantage.

I'm hoping to get A*A*Aaa or A*AAaa if that helps.
Reply 8
I think you will stand a very good chance of getting in, especially if you get the grades you are hoping for. When I applied, bearing in mind it was a few years ago, I got offers from Bristol and Imperial with a-levels in Maths, Physics, Computing and as-levels in further maths and psychology.
Reply 9
I didn't want to start a new topic so I thought id post this in here, how much a chance do I stand at places like Imperial or Bristol/Southampton etc. with alevels in Maths, Physics and Biology and AS levels in Further Maths and Law.

Will not doing Chemistry and only doing Further Maths to AS put me at too much a disadvantage.

I'm hoping to get A*A*Aaa or A*AAaa if that helps.

Which discipline is this for? I did Maths, Physics and Biology (with AS English Lit) and I got a place so you definately have a chance. I think as long as you do a solid third A Level subject and have the required two, it doesn't really make a difference.
Which discipline is this for? I did Maths, Physics and Biology (with AS English Lit) and I got a place so you definately have a chance. I think as long as you do a solid third A Level subject and have the required two, it doesn't really make a difference.

Civil Engineering so same as you.

Thanks guys.

So I want to be an engineer and ofcourse Iam going to take Maths and Physics in my A levels ! . But I really want to to know if Chemistry is necessary too ? I ean I hate it :frown: . HELP PLEASE :smile:
So I want to be an engineer and ofcourse Iam going to take Maths and Physics in my A levels ! . But I really want to to know if Chemistry is necessary too ? I ean I hate it . HELP PLEASE

Chemistry will only be required if you want to apply for Chemical Engineering or something related to it, otherwise with all other fields like Aerospace, Mechanical, Electric, etc. only Maths and Physics are required, including Further Maths for very demanding courses like Cambridge and Imperial :smile:
OHMYGOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:smile: thankyou so much !!! :biggrin: but iam just taking maths and physics and some other subject . not further maths . thats ok right ?
Original post by Nasratullah
OHMYGOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:smile: thankyou so much !!! :biggrin: but iam just taking maths and physics and some other subject . not further maths . thats ok right ?
Should be fine, as long as it's not general studies as someone mentioned above.
Computer studies / ICT is not important at all right ? :/
Reply 16
I am just starting to do my a levels and I am choosing physics and maths and mechanics and one other subject, I am not fond of the other two subjects in science so would it be alright if I done maths physics and history as I believed would get a good grade in this?
Reply 17
Is it necessary to have product design at a level for engineering?
Reply 18
Original post by ryan1818
Is it necessary to have product design at a level for engineering?


Posted from TSR Mobile
Reply 19
Original post by ryan1818
I am just starting to do my a levels and I am choosing physics and maths and mechanics and one other subject, I am not fond of the other two subjects in science so would it be alright if I done maths physics and history as I believed would get a good grade in this?

This is a very old thread. Best to ask your question in a new thread.

Posted from TSR Mobile