The Student Room Group
Reply 1
QM's reputation is really not in the same league as the others, though it is still good. I base this only on what I have gathered from traversing this site, the LLM Guide site, and other internet resources. These are in no way authoritative, but if we are talking about "reputation" then I think it is a safe bet that perception = reality.
Reply 2
People put QM down because of it's location, which is a real shame. It's leagues ahead of all the other UoL institutions in terms of accommodation, and being a *real* campus. It also has some of the top departments in the country - eleven of Queen Mary’s 23 subject areas were in the top 10 in their sector! Their dentalism course is often cited as the UK leader!

It's not a bad place, it just has identity issues and keeps trying to piss all over the BL brand! B@5t@rds!