Ok, so my boyfriend split up from his wife last year, and she's just started seeing someone new. Anyway. Heres the situation.
She brought them round J's last week. about half eleven, and she hadn't even given them breakfast. She didn't bring ANY spare clothes, and the youngest has a bad case of nappy rash... Tuesday, she picked them up, got them changed, brought themback, told J she was going out and he was having the kids. He tried to protest, so she started telling him he was just jealous or whatever... trying to stop her living her life.
This effing woman is not fit to be a mother. Her eldest is so insecure its unbelieveable. J goes out, he's fine. His ex is supposed to be picking them up, and shes decided not to so many times that he will sit there saying "mummy's not coming".
I mean, the other day she didn't pick them up and sent J a message saying "picking kids up tomorrow. Womans troubles".
Womans troubles. If you can abandon your kids for that, then how can you be fit enough to be a mother.
It's hit a nerve for so many reasons with me. Her kids are amazing. Absolutely gorgeous, the most affectionate two little boys you could imagine. And she puts everthing, from her new boyfriend to going out to get drunk before the kids.
Reminds me of my biological mother a bit...