The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I'm staying in Childs Hall at the moment so methinks I'm qualified to give you a little insight!

I applied for the same reason as most; it's sold as being very community-orientated, social and 'the best Hall to stay in in your first year'.. and I'd have to agree.

Childs is without doubt a GREAT laugh - I've had loads of fun here, and all the corridors/units are really big so if you don't get on with the people directly around you, you don't have to go far to find others!

Dining room's big and eating together's a very big plus for first years, as it gives you opportunity to talk to loads of new people etc.. probably goes without saying, but there you are.

One thing I will say, though, is that Childs is the very definition of 'basic'. When I first arrived here I was quite shocked!! The building's very 60s, and it kind of shows - corridors are all green floors n white walls, funky! But the rooms are a very good size and the furniture etc is in good condition.. most rooms have sinks (mine doesn't!) but none are en-suite. Bathrooms aren't amazing but they're clean [usually!!] which I guess is what counts.

Basically, it's not the most stunning of halls and probably won't win any awards for aesthetics!! But with regards to fun and 'having a laugh' etc, it's definitely the best hall.
I've gotta say the spirit, atmosphere and general community in the hall more than compensates for the average-ness of the hall itself.

Hope that helps, anything else you want to know, PM me!
Reply 2

I completely forgot I made this thread! Thanks so much for the info, i can't wait to get to childs now, I just hope I get accepted into Childs.

I'll send you a PM later on. Nice one. :smile:
Reply 3

Thanks so much for the info, i can't wait to get to childs now, I just hope I get accepted into Childs.

Should have gone for Wantage... :wink:
I didn't stay there, but I was next to it in Windsor.

I spent quite a lot of my time over there with friends though, nice hall. Pity about the food :tongue:
Reply 5
I didn't stay there, but I was next to it in Windsor.

I spent quite a lot of my time over there with friends though, nice hall. Pity about the food :tongue:

Food, its not quite food we get in Childs, its mearly Food substitute, and the meat is that we have coined 'mystery meat' since you can't tell what it is hehe. It's not al that bad, you will get used to it :smile:

Childs is a great hall, with insane porters, who try and kill you, no really. Compared to the main block though the extension block is soooo much nicer, it was re-decorateded a few years ago, and is a lot nicer than the main block. Aside from that its just the people here that rick aswell!
Reply 6
Food, its not quite food we get in Childs, its mearly Food substitute, and the meat is that we have coined 'mystery meat' since you can't tell what it is hehe. It's not al that bad, you will get used to it :smile:

Childs is a great hall, with insane porters, who try and kill you, no really. Compared to the main block though the extension block is soooo much nicer, it was re-decorateded a few years ago, and is a lot nicer than the main block. Aside from that its just the people here that rick aswell!

Actually this is a VERY good point about the porters..!!
Reply 7
I didn't stay there, but I was next to it in Windsor.

I went to Reading open day yesterday, and the guy showing us round Windsor made it pretty clear that it is a verrrrrry quiet hall, is this true?? :confused: Other than that i thought it was a decent place :smile: . x
Reply 8
Windsor is quite because it is actually a fairly empty hall compared to the others, and the main staircase there makes me dizzy lol.

Sadly only 4 and a bit days left in Childs, I will actually miss the food in a perverse kind of way, at least me and my mates will be joining the JCR next year as attached members, thats how much we love it!
Windsor is indeed a quiet hall, thats why I chose it.
Reply 10
Windsor is indeed a quiet hall, thats why I chose it.

Oh okay, lol. I preferably wanna be in a buzzing place, as the more people i meet and friends i make the happier i seem to be! This could be a stupid theory for getting a good degree tho...ah well...

Is Childs always so hot?? When i looked around i thought i was melting :cool: x
Oh okay, lol. I preferably wanna be in a buzzing place, as the more people i meet and friends i make the happier i seem to be! This could be a stupid theory for getting a good degree tho...ah well...

Is Childs always so hot?? When i looked around i thought i was melting :cool: x

Childs is very centralised, the clustered formation doesn't really lend itself to good ventilation.
I applied for the same reason as most; it's sold as being very community-orientated, social and 'the best Hall to stay in your first year'

No offence but don't think so! Wells Hall is notoriously known around campus as the 'best hall to stay in' for its social aspect, I mean Childs is a close rivalry but Wells is the only hall on campus where the porters don't mind any student smoke pot all day long! No other hall does and for that reason alone its a clear indication as to which hall is the best, and I know, I just came from living there in 1st year!

Big up the Wells Hall massive!!!!!!!!
a good laugh but a bit grotty
great fun, rooms are good sized, ive got a sink which is handy. food isnt great but you dont expect it to be. The JCR put on quite a few events, our halloween ball this year was at the fez and was wicked. Theres always a queue for dinner, which can get annoying but there are loads of people here. the corridors are painted a bit dodgy, mine is green but theres also pinky/peachy and white with plant splatters on. one downside is sharing one shower between 14 girls in my unit but there are two baths as well but means u have to get up early to beat the queue. and the pantry can get quite grotty but thats cos certain people never wash up or clean up after themselves (mainly the guys, i have to say)
Reply 15
Loving the Childs... *grins* Loving it muchly, really recommend it for any who are wavering...

JOIN USSSSSS... you'll not regret it!

COME FIND Z-UNIT! I promise we exist!
Reply 16
No offence but don't think so! Wells Hall is notoriously known around campus as the 'best hall to stay in' for its social aspect.
Big up the Wells Hall massive!!!!!!!!

Erm maybe not...Wantage Hall is the place to be!