The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I'm on it and have been for two and a half years.
Its a common side effect. How long have you been taking it? How much bleeding is there?
I was on Cerazette for 6 months and had almost constant spotting the whole time with two heavy periods a month. I'm now on Micronor which has kept my periods regular.
Reply 2
I'm on it and have been for two and a half years.
Its a common side effect. How long have you been taking it? How much bleeding is there?
I was on Cerazette for 6 months and had almost constant spotting the whole time with two heavy periods a month. I'm now on Micronor which has kept my periods regular.

I've been on it for about 3 years............I tried t combined pill but it set off my migraines. I ahve PCOS whic has affected my periods so I've only started having breakthrough bleedng since January (since I lost a stone in weight)- its just frustrating as I have no idea when its going to happen. There's not much bleeding really, I dont have to use a sanitary towel................

My periods are screwed up because of my PCOS which makes it more complicated!
Reply 3
I'm on it and have been for two and a half years.
Its a common side effect. How long have you been taking it? How much bleeding is there?
I was on Cerazette for 6 months and had almost constant spotting the whole time with two heavy periods a month. I'm now on Micronor which has kept my periods regular.

I was on cilest for 5 months but had to come of it because i had high blood pressure and really bad emotional side effects. The doctor then transfered me to micronor, which was much better, but my periods were quite unregular, which was the opposite to cilest where i knew to the hour when i was going to come on. Other than that it was fine :smile:
Is there a pill you can go on which doesn't make you put on weight? I have PCOS too and when I last came off the pill I didn't have a period for 7 months so coming off it completely is out of the question. However, since I've been on Cilest I've gained over a stone in weight (and i've only been on it for about 4 months!) and i haven't really been eating any differently. Thanks guys. X
Reply 5
I think whether you gain weight will depend on the pill type and also your individual physiology. Everyone reacts differently. I didn't have any weightgain when I was on Dianette for 4 years, and I haven't noticed any since I switched to Yasmin a month ago. But then, I've never had any negative side effects from being on the Pill apart from a bit of spotting when I first started Dianette, so maybe these Pill types happen to suit me.
Reply 6
I'm on the same hormone, and yes, I'm gettin spotting, and yes, it's a bugger!

I'm on Noriday..its just frustrating cos I never know when I'm gonna get it!