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When you were young. Primary and secondary school memories.

So, i'm 18 next week and i'm thinking back on my life. What are the memories which stick out for you regarding primary and secondary school, i'll start:

-That boy who had it all and then left - in primary school. He scored all the tap ins in football and took the credit for the teams performance, a real jack the lad. He had all the toys, including that power rangers megazord that everyone tried to get their parents to buy but got nowhere, also the gameboy, ah the gameboy. He also had all the girls following him around from the whole school. Not bad for such a young guy.

- Becoming popular in primary school. If you haven't experienced it then you don't know how good it feels for a litte kid. Oh, and my first dry hump with the popular (but misunderstood) girl.

- Breaking into the school team at primary school and becoming the quickest player (i played RB) (not the best, we had guys playing for Middlesbrough and Newcastle). I got scouted for Sunderland and accepted eventually, but then got dropped after several games.

- Going out on my bike and doing naughty things with friends, such as swinging on tree branches and climbing over dangerous gates and fences! Oh, and who can forget the beck jumping and biking at ridiculous speeds in the forest!

- Becoming a total recluse in secondary school, losing all sense of hygiene and social skills. (I was forced really, it was a very rough and failing school that my parents insisted on me going to since they thought i could manage without private education unlike my brother).

- Being alone in secondary school because i was not a chav, an emo or a skater. I was picked on in PE and at break times and my only friends were the teachers. lol, sounds tragic! Being virtually ignored and looked down upon, not cool. Break times alone felt bad.

- Getting my GCSE results. That silver lining over the ********* that was secondary school. The look on everyone's faces when they saw my results = priceless. That was when i knew how damn successful i could be if i put my mind to it, and that they who bullied me were all damned to fail.

- Leaving secondary school without any friends with me to sixth form, i had to start totally anew and it was time to get back to my old self. Met my best mate and the coolest set of boys around, guys that stick by you.

I'll write more later.

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I remember when I fell down the stairs in primary school and woke up on this soft sofa thing with everyone around me. I had been unconicious for quite a while apparently!
Reply 2
For me it would be going to a musuem and seeing a mummy when I was very young. It scared the hell out of me but I loved it at the same time, and became obsessed with ancient history for years afterwards.
Reply 3
i loved primary school!
Reply 4
for some weird reason i remember being told i was good at division in year 4 and i was mega chuffed.
Me and my twin getting collected everyday at the school gates by my granda. On the way home him giving us 50p each to spend. It seemed like so much there...

Skipping to "All in together girls"

Doing all those hand games like under the bumble bushes and see see my playmate.

Being able to sing really high.

School dinners. :love:

I miss primary school. :sad:
hating nearly every part of secondary school until sixth form... for no reason in particular either just wasnt good times
Reply 7
School roasties for dinner.

Everyone getting meningitis medicine then being amazed that it turned our wee red.

Tripping a girl I liked over.

Being rubbish at handwriting.

Remembering when everyone used to cover their work to stop people copying.
hated high school..... was horrid...
but primary school so many memories...most prominant feeling so grown up as year 6s having chairs in assembley being allowed to climb the year 6 tree...
- The tiny chairs that you used to get in Primary 1/Year 1

- Getting extra help with maths in Primary 4 because I was in the second highest group but my teacher believed I had the potential to be really good; to this day this is probably the single best moment in my educational career because maths is now my best subject and, without that push, I don't think I would have been so successful in secondary

- Following the 'cool' kids around, even though it was plain to see it annoyed the hell outta them! Playing the same games as them (football mainly), having the same option for lunch (cooked meal or pack lunch), etc. Sad really, but these were people that the social rules told us we should try to be like

- Having the biggest crush on my Primary 6 teacher and daydreaming about her once I'd finished my work (at least I think I finished my work!)

- Getting caught coming back from Morrisons (Safeway at that time) and getting in serious trouble from the headmistress; I always thought of myself as the rebel who couldn't care less, but when it came down to it I'm sure I started crying

- A trip to Edinburgh that made me feel really independent for some reason. And I also embarrassed myself by singing along to the girl parts in the musical Grease we went to see!

- The first day of P7 where my mate cracked a joke about 'sleeping with the fishes' that I somehow found hilarious.

And that's just primary school which was 7 years ago now!
It's strange, I just wrote about this in my blog last night (sig).
It's strange, I just wrote about this in my blog last night (sig).

Great minds think alike and that.
In primary 7 I tripped whilst running and went face first at a high speed into a brick wall. I remember not being able to feel my whole face and everyone staring at me as I went up to the office. I wasn't crying or anything and wondered why all these weirdos were staring at me. It turned out that I had fractured my cheekbone and got a nose bleed. Good times indeed.
Our French teacher picked out the 'ringleaders' of our class to have a lunchtime detention because they'd been disrupting the class. In the next lesson, we had a 'class meeting' and decided that we'd all turn up to the detention because we felt there was no ringleaders and we were all responsible. She was so shocked when all 30 of us turned up and sent us all away.
Aaaah, primary school. :smile: My year 4 teacher used to do this thing once a week where she'd pick someone's name from the register and they'd be the "special person", and we'd all have to say something we liked about them. Then she'd write all the comments down and give them him/her. I never got chosen as the special person. :frown: Oooh, and I used to live just down the lane from the school, so one day I picked up one of our pet chickens and brought her to the playground to show the other kids. And my best friend was good at drawing and I liked writing, so we said that when we grew up we'd do books together.

I have really good memories of secondary school too - I had a lot of trouble with teachers, and in years 10-11 I had some personal problems which made things suck - but I made the best friends I've ever had and I had a brilliant time with them. We went on a battlefields trip to Belgium, and we got caught talking to some boys from another school in the middle of the night (they'd climbed into our room through the window!) and the security guard dragged us to see our headteacher at 2am. That was sooo scary but hilarious when we look back on it.
Reply 15
*Earliest memory being asked in Reception what 2+2 was, & having absolutely no idea how the kid in front knew it was 4. He went on to do amazingly in maths, I went on to fail can tell even then
*Changing my "best" friend every other day
*Getting called to the headteacher's office
*"Good MORNing Mrs Williams, good MORNing frieends...."
Circle time was great fun where we would have a good old talk and play the chair game - i can remember something to do with warm fuzzies and cold stinkies :\
I can remember having to do a talk on animals and i took in my rabbit which pooped all over the room - there was also two cats, a hamster, gerbil and snake that day :biggrin:
Every friday at primary school was hot dog or turkey twizzler day - don't know why but a lot of people looked forward to it.
For our P7 panto i was the fairygod mother and had to come on the stage with a zimmer and this stupid pink wig - it was awful as everyone just laughed and little shy me forgot my lines!
Reply 17
for some weird reason i remember being told i was good at division in year 4 and i was mega chuffed.

Haha... I remember the supply teacher taking me to see the headteacher in year 2 cos my writing was so neat and small and my work was so good (it was just some copying out of some book :p: ). Probably my proudest moment though seeing as I was, up until then, considered to be pretty average and had hidden in the shadows behind 'Miss Perfect Handwriting' at school :smile:
Reply 18
Pretending to be ill just to go and sit on the squishy blankets, have a biscuit and get a cuddle off the receptionist! I miss primary school.

Oh, I didn't like the fact I was at school from 8:15-6pm every day though. :frown: Not all the biscuits in the world could solve that one.
oh, I tought this was a killers thread :o: