The Student Room Group

broken..... something?

Ok so i fell over in my room over easter and badly injured my toe/foot (i know, i Am a ******) Anyway, ive avoided football and anything in which i have to get impact on my foot for like 3 or 4 weeks but i swear the bugger is not healing up! For anybody who can help, it hurts between the last joint in my big toe and what i can only describe as my big toes 'knuckle' It hurts when i press down on my toe at all (from above, with my finger etc) but im not sure its just a basic broken toe cos i broke another toe before and it just went black and numb for ages. This hasnt really happened for this toe...

i understand this may be quite a boring topic but, if anybody can help id appreciate. I mean should i avoid all sport for a while or what?
OUCH!! Poor u :frown:
Could be broken toes.. I broke two last year, but there is nothing that can be done, you have to sit it out really. However, if it is still this painful, perhaps you should go to the doctor or hosp?
Saying that it's different to when you broke a toe before.... perhaps it's something else? It could be the 'knuckle', or maybe the other bones?
Sorry, not much help am I!
Reply 2
it could have broken and then set its self in the wrong position i dont know much about broken toes but it happens alot with broken fingers if you dont get them seen by the doc and set properly
Reply 3
that would be your phalanx.

if it looks out of place its def. broken. is it really swollen? try feeling the bone (this will hurt) if you can feel the bone is broken then guess what?...

if not, it could still be broken but there is nothing that a doctor will do about it.

just rest it. bear in mind if its broken the bone has to heal itself so its gonna take some time.

go to a+e if you want; they'll xray you and let you know for sure but unless you need surgery they'll probably just write you a script for painkillers, maybe not even that if you can get them cheaper over the counter
Reply 4
OUCH!! Poor u
Could be broken toes.. I broke two last year, but there is nothing that can be done, you have to sit it out really. However, if it is still this painful, perhaps you should go to the doctor or hosp?
Saying that it's different to when you broke a toe before.... perhaps it's something else? It could be the 'knuckle', or maybe the other bones?
Sorry, not much help am I!

Thankyou gonnabavet, for your sympathy :smile:

that would be your phalanx.

if it looks out of place its def. broken. is it really swollen? try feeling the bone (this will hurt) if you can feel the bone is broken then guess what?...

if not, it could still be broken but there is nothing that a doctor will do about it.

just rest it. bear in mind if its broken the bone has to heal itself so its gonna take some time.

go to a+e if you want; they'll xray you and let you know for sure but unless you need surgery they'll probably just write you a script for painkillers, maybe not even that if you can get them cheaper over the counter

Thanks for your advice, but i pressed on the bone and thats not painful. It really mainly hurts when i bend it 4ward, like a stubbed toe except it feels worse than that, and its not really improving. Anyway im sure im just getting annoyed about something minor. Im just keen to be able to do stuff again
Reply 5

Thanks for your advice, but i pressed on the bone and thats not painful. It really mainly hurts when i bend it 4ward, like a stubbed toe except it feels worse than that, and its not really improving. Anyway im sure im just getting annoyed about something minor. Im just keen to be able to do stuff again

even so, rest it. you'll do yourself no favours if you knock it out whilst its healing and need surgery to fix it. i havent heard of people strapping toes up but it could work. might not though
Reply 6
will do, cheers :biggrin: